Startled out of my frozen state, I rush out of the bathroom and yell down the stairs, “Noah?”

He jogs to the bottom of the stairwell and then whirls around when he sees me in a towel. With his back facing me, he extends his hands in the air like he’s surrendering. “Sorry.”

“What are you doing here?” I demand.

“You didn’t answer your door.”

“I was in theshower.”

“I see that.” He clears his throat.

“Did you bust through a window?” I hiss.

“The glass in your front door, yeah.”


“Because you have astalker.”

“Yeah, I know. He just broke into my house while I was in theshower.”

He barks out a laugh and then swears. “Listen, I’m sorry.”

“I’m going to get dressed. You just…stay.”

“I’m sorry,” he yells again.

Glad my bedroom is upstairs, I quickly retreat to it and close the door behind me. The man is insane.

I shoulddefinitelycall the cops on him. I’m not going to, but Ishould.

I sit on the bed and groan into my hands. Then I stand, dressing quickly. When I come downstairs, I find Noah on the couch, arms crossed, the picture of discomfort.

His eyes flick up to me. “I’m?—”

“Sorry. I know.” I set my hands on my hips. “Listen. I like you a lot, and I appreciate everything you’ve done for me, but you can’t?—”

He raises a hand, cutting me off, and then picks up his phone like he just got a text.

“Yeah, okay,” I huff. “I’ll just hold that thought.”

As I wait, my phone vibrates in my back pocket. Since Noah is ignoring me anyway, I pull it out.

Montgomery: Have you taken your prescription yet?

“Oh my goodness,” I seethe. “NO.”

“Then march yourself to the kitchen,” Noah says, “because you’re going to take it now.”

Slowly, I look up. “What?”

Noah turns his phone, showing me the screen. I take several steps forward, and then I rip the phone from his hand. My eyes flick over the texts as I scroll, and I go cold.

“You,” I say dumbly. “You’re…”

“I’m Montgomery York,” he says wryly. “Your conservator.”