He laughs again, but this time, the sound is deeper, darker, and oh my heck. It tugs at my stomach, making me yearn for something I haven’t experienced in a long, long time.
When was the last time I wanted Kevin to kiss me? Did I ever really want him, or was he just…there? We dated for two years, but did I evenlikehim?
“Uh, Noah?” I say, my voice soft and airy.
“Yeah?” His palms slide down my arms, warm through the cotton fabric of my sleeves, the sensation amplified in the dark.
“I’m steady now.”
He drops his hands, and I miss them immediately. I don’t think I realized how lonely I’ve been—and not just this month. For a long time.
Neither of us moves toward the path or the light. We just stand here, existing in the dark, two near-strangers who keep getting thrown together.
“Hey, Piper?”
“I know you aren’t comfortable talking to me, but you need to tell someone what’s going on with you. It’s not healthy to keep things trapped inside.”
I know he’s right, but who?
“You realize how ironic that is coming from you, right?” I say.
“You’re all dark and broody and big and…” Where was I going with this?
“And what?” he asks, his voice like dark chocolate.
“You just don’t really seem like the ‘talk about your feelings’ type.”
“I deal with a lot of victims in my line of work. And that’s what you are—a victim. Whatever happened that night, you need to tell someone. Not me, necessarily. But someone.”
“I thought you worked in human resources?” I whisper, his care making my chest feel tight.
“My job is complicated.”
“This thing I’m going through…I’m not really allowed to talk about it.”
“Okay…but I bet there’s someone youcantell. And if all else fails, tell me anyway. I’m good with secrets. And I’ll help you—I swear.”
If we don’t leave this dark, cozy space, I’m going to kiss the man.
“I know it’s not on purpose, but you’re being all hot and tempting right now. If you don’t go, I’m probably going to throw myself at you, and that’s generally frowned upon while on friend-dates.”
He’s silent for several seconds like I’ve shocked him, and then he laughs once, softly. “Is that supposed to make me want to leave?”
My stomach clenches, and my heart beats faster.
His laugh morphs into a dark, self-satisfied chuckle, and he turns toward the path that leads to the gate. “I’m going.”