“Perks?”My stomach flutters. “Like you’re closer to your family?”
“Yeah, that’s nice.”
“I’m sure they’re glad to have you back, even if it’s only temporary.” I hop out of the truck, feeling conflicted.
I’m attracted to Noah—there’s no denying it. But even if I wasn’t a pre-vamp, he’s leaving in a year. My life is here, in Glenwood Springs. My little flower farm, my family, my friends—all here. I have zero desire to move to Denver.
And my life is already complicated enough; I don’t need to add more dating drama to it.
But it never hurts to have another friend, and Noah seems to need one, too. I just need to keep my emotions in check.
“Max usually sets up my stand,” I say when Noah gets out of the truck. “We’ll check on things and then come back for the flowers.”
I glance at the truck, ensuring the bed is shaded so the flowers won’t overheat, and then start down the street.
“Piper!” Leslee from Sopris Soaps and Scrubs calls, abandoning her half-staged stand and hurrying over to me. “Oh, gosh, honey, I saw your boyfriend on the news. It’s awful—justawful. I can’t believe he wasselling drugs.” She drops her voice to a stage whisper that I’m sure the vendors across the street can hear. “Did you know? Of course you didn’t. You’re such a nice girl. I’ve been so worried—well, we all have been—especially when the police came around the week after it happened, asking questions. And you disappeared! Just vanished. You know what I was worried about?”
I have no idea, but I’m sure she’s going to tell me.
“I thought maybe whoever killed Kevin got you, too. I’ve hardly slept for a month; I’ve been so worried.”
My name and number are printed in the vendor directory—she could have called or texted me. But I don’t remind her of that. There’s no point, really.
“I’m sorry you were worried,” I say. “But I’m all right.”
“Such a relief.” Her eyes move to Noah, and her gaze sharpens. The edges of her lips tip up in a gossip-gathering smile. “Well,hello. Who might you be?”
“This is Noah,” I say, resigned to my fate. “He’s going to help me with my stand today.”
She eyes him, formingtheories—ones I don’t want to hear, judging from the look on her face.
“We should get moving, or we’ll be late setting up,” I tell her, edging away. “It was good to see you.”
“You too, hon. Glad you’re not dead in a ditch somewhere.”
We’re several booths away when Noah says, “You know she thinks we offed your boyfriend because we’re having a tawdry affair.”
“I figured. Hopefully you have an alibi for that Friday, just in case you get dragged into this.”
“Remind me what day it was?”
“The twenty-fifth—the day before we first met.”
“I’m covered. I’d just returned to town and was with family all evening.”
“And that night?”
“Still with family. I’m staying with my parents while I’m here.”
“Ah,” I tease. “Living at home, huh?”
“I have a house in Denver. I didn’t want to buy another here.”
“Because it’s temporary?”