“We have an appointment for next Tuesday,” the receptionist says. “I can get you in at three.”
“Do you have something today?” I ask. “I know it’s last minute, but…”
“It looks like Dr. Granger has a fifteen-minute opening at two-thirty. Would you like to schedule a phone appointment with her?”
“Yes, thank you.”
At least she can tell me if my symptoms are weird enough I should head to the ER, or if I can wait it out until next week.
I hang up the call, and Olivia hovers near the front door. “I need to get to the studio…”
In addition to occasionally working for me, she has a part-time job at a paint-it-yourself pottery place.
Listlessly, I wave her off. “Go. I’m fine.”
She frowns. “I should call Max.”
Glaring at her, I say, “We agreed we wouldn’t tell him I’m sick.”
“That’s when I thought you were pregnant.”
I roll my eyes. “Honestly.”
“I’m going to call him. He at least needs to drive you to your appointment.”
“It’s a phone appointment, and I’m fine. I’ll text him if I need him.”
“Should I call in sick and stay with you today?”
“I’m not that exciting, believe me.”
Finally, I convince Olivia to leave. I sip the water, the only thing I can keep down, and watch the clock until it’s time for my appointment. At just one minute after two-thirty, my phone rings.
“Hello?” I croak, and then I clear my throat.
“Hi, Piper, this is Dr. Granger at Middleton Family Physicians. What can I help you with today?”
Here we go.
“For about the last month, I’ve been extremely sick to my stomach. I can’t keep anything down, and I’ve lost about ten pounds.”
The doctor makes a noise like she’s jotting notes into her computer.
“I’m also having a strange reaction to the sun—like I’ve developed an allergy or something. If I go outside for even ten minutes without a high SPF sunscreen, I burn so badly, I get chills and aches for the next few days.”
Dr. Granger makes another noise, this one slightly concerning. “Tell me about your diet, Piper.”
“I’m a vegetarian, mostly. I eat a lot of vegetables and grains, along with milk, eggs, and some cheese. Occasionally, I’ll have fish.”
“No red meat?”
“Has anything strange happened to you recently? Have you been bitten by a dog, a cat, or…something else?” She pauses. “Possibly a human?”
Though I was hot and flushed a moment ago, I go cold so quickly, my skin feels clammy. “A bite?” I squeak.