“Were you really?”
“No.” He starts walking toward the living room. “Let’s go.”
I realizeas I’m walking over the fancy bridge outside the restaurant that I’m putting a lot of faith in a vampire.
How do I even know Cassian’s been taking his meds?
He said he had a plan, and I blindly believed him. But it’s too late to question it now. Two large men stand outside the restaurant like sentries, their eyes on me. One has coppery brown hair, and the other’s is light brown.
Both are wearing headsets.
Were they friends with the thug Noah killed? If so, they’re not going to like me much.
“Hello, Miss Edwards,” the one with the reddish hair says when I reach them, his voice deep and monotone.
Since this is the furthest thing from a date, I didn’t dress up today. So I tremble in my sneakers.
“I’m here to see Ethan,” I say stupidly. When they don’t so much as blink, I add, “Mr. Brennan? He’s expecting me…”
Contemplating me with the impassive expression of a Buckingham Palace guard, the one with the short brown hair lifts his hand to his ear. “Miss Edwards has arrived.”
This is weird as heck.
I feel very alone standing out here. Cassian said he and Max would follow, but I didn’t see them the entire drive over, and I checked my rearview mirror constantly. He’s either really good at trailing people, or the vampire got distracted.
“I’ll escort her inside.” The guard lowers his hand and opens the door for me, gesturing me forward.
The lights are dim, and water gently cascades down the water feature along the wall. Light instrumental music plays, just loud enough to hear, soft enough it’s not jarring. Unlike last time, all the tables I can see are empty.
The guard deposits me with a hostess. Feeling edgy, I check my back pocket, making sure my phone is still there. I’m not going to risk leaving it somewhere this time.
“I’ll take you to your table,” the hostess says. “Mr. Brennan is waiting.”
I swallow as I follow her, my eyes on her fitted black dress and heels. It’s absurd considering the situation, but I feel a little silly in my jean shorts and tank top. Would I feel more confident if I’d dressed up? Less out of my element and more like I know what I’m doing? Fancy armor and all that.
But then we turn the corner, and my clothes don’t matter anymore.
Ethan sits at the table we were at before, facing the entrance. His blond hair is smoothed back in a tidy tail, and he wears a red polo shirt like he’s going to go golfing after this. Nothing about him is intimidating, but I still remember the sting of his fangs.
Save Ethan, the restaurant is completely empty.
I swallow a lump in my throat. A cold, slimy knot coils in my stomach as the hostess leads me to him, and adrenaline spikes my veins. I didn’t realize how difficult it would be to face him again, especially alone. All I want to do is run.
But I can’t because who knows what he’ll do to Olivia if I try to dart. And besides, I wouldn’t get very far with the thugs guarding the door.
“Hello, Piper,” Ethan says smoothly, his lips tipping in a genuine smile that now strikes me as incredibly creepy. “It’s been too long.”
I take the seat across from him, clasping my hands in my lap so he won’t see the way they shake. “Where’s Olivia?”
“Olivia is fine. She seemed tense, so I arranged for a spa day.” His smile grows as his eyes move across my face. “I feel like a man lost in the desert, and you are the oasis. Just looking at you has quenched my thirst. Such a sight for sore eyes. I’ve missed you, Piper.”
“Olivia is at a spa?” I rack my brain, trying to think of all the ones in the area.
“In my home.” He smiles benevolently. “I have a masseuse on staff.”
You don’t have to be a mind reader to decipher his expression. It says, “Become my vampire girlfriend and live your undead life with me, and you can enjoy spa days, too.”
Before we left, Cassian warned me not to agitate Ethan. I’m supposed to treat him with caution and act like I’m glad to be here.