Page 105 of Blood and Buttercups

“Thank you for not trading me for a car.”

“I’m more of a Ferrari kind of guy.” He smiles a little. “Are we okay?”

The question flummoxes me. “Why wouldn’t we be?”

“I killed a man on your front porch.”

“In self-defense. After heshotyou.”

Noah nods, watching me. “I know, but…”

“I have to admit, in the beginning, I was having trouble accepting how normal everyone made this vampire stuff out to be. But now I’m starting to question if it’sjustan illness. Maybe the books and movies aren’t that far off. It’s almost like the police department doesn’twantto get involved.”

“When it comes to vampires, there are a lot of politics. That’s why NIHA was formed in the first place. To put it simply, we exist so the government doesn’t have to get involved.”

“What is Cassian, exactly? You joked about him being a prince, but is he actually vampire royalty?”

“He’s the head of his line, so yes, he really is. He has a place on the council and was nominated for the position of archduke. He turned it down, however, as he doesn’t want to move to Bucharest.”

“So like, in vampire pecking order, I’m on the bottom tier.”

“Just a baby vampire larva.”

“Okay, we need to retire that. It’s starting to freak me out now.”

Noah laughs.

“If Cassian is so high and mighty, why does he care about me?”

“I imagine he feels responsible since you were infected by a vampire from his line. And I think he’s hoping that if he follows the line back far enough, he might find someone he’s been tracking for a very long time.”

“Like a vampire?”

“Yes, but it’s not my story to tell. He smelled her on you, though, just as he smelled himself.”

“Yep, that’s freaky. So, in vampire terms, she’s like my distant grandma now?”

Noah chuckles, nodding.

I drop my voice a little. “Is he in love with her?”

“He’s never told me.” He exhales. “Though they certainly have different views on vampire production. I swear she’s created a small army.”

I shudder at the idea of it.

“What is it?” he asks.

“I know it’s hypocritical, but final-stage vampires are just so disturbing. I might be able to get past the prescription blood, but the fangs? The lines, strange politics, and madness? It’s unsettling.”

“I suppose I don’t have to worry about you falling for Cassian.” Though Noah says the words lightly, his tone is strange.

“Olivia is the only one to worry about.” I yawn. “I’m exhausted. I think it’s time I head to bed.”

“I’m going to check the door and window locks. I’ll be up after a while.”

“Thank you for protecting me today.” I want to hug him, but I wrap my arms around myself instead. “Truly.”

He pauses on his way to the front door, looking back. His eyes search my face, and his smile makes my heart skitter. “I’ll always protect you, Piper.”