Page 104 of Blood and Buttercups

Olivia’s eyes cut to mine, and she raises her brows, asking me when I’m going to tell him.

“Noah’s renting a room from me,” I say blandly, deciding to just go for it. “So I’m not alone.”

Max stares at me for several seconds, and then his expression becomes suspicious. “Like, he’s staying in your room?”

“You’re one to talk,” I snap. “And no. He’s staying in the guest room on the second floor.”

Max shoots Noah a look, apparently not believing it’s an up-and-up agreement. “How much are you charging him?”

“A thousand a month.”

My brother’s face lights like a greedy raccoon’s, and he says to Noah, “I have a spare room. Do you want to rent it instead? My TV is bigger, and I won’t try to feed you rabbit food.”

“Stop trying to steal my boarder,” I snap.

“Mom and Dad are going to freak out.”

“Not if you don’t tell them. Besides, I’m twenty-eight years old.”

“Like they care how old you are.”

“If you tell them, I’ll bite you.”

He grins. “We already know you’re not contagious.”

I snap my teeth at him, making him laugh, and then he walks to the front door before he remembers he can’t go out that way. “Oh, right.”

“Bye, Max,” I say. “Be careful driving home.”

He walks toward the back, and then he turns around and points at Noah. “If anything happens to her, I’m blaming you.”

Noah nods solemnly.

“I should probably go, too,” Olivia says with a disappointed sigh. She hugs me tightly, her skin so warm it feels like she has a fever. When she pulls back, she frowns. “You’re freezing.”

“It’s normal.” I wrinkle my nose. “It’s probably how the dead myth started.”

She gives me a sympathetic squeeze. “I’m glad you’re all right. Keep me posted, okay?”

“I will.”

“Bye, Noah,” she says, and then she gives the vampire a flirty wave. “Bye,Cassian.”

He slides his hands into his pockets, offering her a smile I don’t trust. “Shall I follow you out?”

She puts on her best damsel-in-distress look. “It might be safer…”

“Be good,” I mouth at her, widening my eyes so she knows I mean it.

She laughs and heads down the hall.

“I’ll be back in the morning,” Cassian promises me, and then he hands me a business card. “Call if you need me.”

The door opens, Olivia giggles at something Cassian says, and then Noah and I are alone.


“Long day, huh?” the hunter says, looking a little uncomfortable.