Page 96 of Play Pretend

“Fine. But you owe me, shortcake,” he growled, pointing at me. I smiled brightly as he let his sister drag him through the crowd. People slowly quieted as he reluctantly climbed the stairs. By the time he stood in the middle of the stage, the whole bar was silent.

“Is that the fucking sheriff?!” someone shouted, breaking the awkward tension.

The mic let out a high-pitched sound as Ronan picked it up. Roughly, he cleared his throat. His eyes were massive. He looked like he was seconds away from freaking out.

Sliding off the stool, I pushed through the crowd until I was front and center. His eyes immediately met mine, and I gave him a thumbs up. “You can do it!” I mouthed, smiling.

His chest expanded as he took a deep breath. He seemed to calm down…until the song started playing.You’re BeautifulbyJames Blunt filtered through the speakers, and I rolled my lips between my teeth to keep from smiling.

“You are fucking joking,” he said quietly, but the mic picked it up loud and clear. The tips of his ears turned red as everyone laughed.

Trinity sidled up beside me and bounced on the balls of her feet. She leaned toward me, her voice low as she said, “He’s only up there to impress you. Is it working?”

“It is,” I laughed. She wrapped her hand around mine and squeezed.

“You’re good for him.”

Her words blended in with Ronan’s voice as he hesitantly began singing. My eyes lingered on Trinity for a moment, before I turned my attention fully to Ronan. His voice wasn’t bad, but it was quiet and shy. Breathless, like he was struggling to not have a panic attack.

But his eyes were on me, and the longer he stared, the more confident he became. His voice became stronger, and slowly, the crowd melted away again. It felt like it was just the two of us in that room, like he was singing to me andonlyme.

He moved closer to the edge of the stage, and my heart soared into my throat. My head was tipped all the way back, and my cheeks hurt from smiling so much. But I couldn’t stop. Not when he was singing such a cheesy song, with a cheesy smile on his face.

The song was both too long and too short. It felt like it was never-ending, but also was over too quickly. When he slid the mic back into the mic stand, everyone cheered and clapped for him. He strode off the stage and headed straight for me. I didn’t realize I was moving to him until his arms wrapped around my waist and he yanked me into a tight hug.

He effortlessly lifted me off the ground, and I buried my face in his neck, breathing deeply. His warm pine scent grounded me, sending a wave of electricity through my body.

“You owe me,” he said again, his voice vibrating against my skin. I smiled, nestling deeper against him.

“Get a room!” someone shouted, and I finally pulled away. But his arm stayed wrapped around me as he guided me back to our table.

The rest of the night was a blur of drinks and Ronan’s hand sliding higher and higher on my thigh. All I could think about was getting him home and ripping his clothes off. If he was thinking the same, he didn’t give anything away.

Not until his hand slid all the way under my dress, and I gasped. Not quite high enough to touch between my legs, but enough to make me realize that was what he was aiming for. He quickly removed it and slid it back down to my knee. But the teasing smile on his face told me all I needed to know.

He wanted me just as badly as I wanted him.


Willow squirmed in the car seat the entire drive home. She tugged on the short hem of her dress, shifted her legs together, pressed her hands into her thighs—she was nervous, and I knew why.

We teased each other all night. My hand lingered a little too high on her leg. She leaned into me, her breath ghosting along my neck. Goosebumps rippled over my body, and my cock was achingly hard in my pants.

It was torture.

That line between us blurred until it was nearly invisible. But she continued drinking, and my want to take things further dissipated. I wouldn’t touch her while she was drunk. Even if she said she wanted it, she couldn’t fully consent, and I wouldn’t take advantage of that.

That didn’t mean I didn’t think about it, that I didn’twantit. Want her. My cock was still stiff in my jeans, and I knew I’d have to take a cold shower to get rid of it. I knew she would be all I could think about, too.

I locked my truck seven times as we walked across the yard to the house. Willow stumbled, and I reached out, wrapping myarm around her waist. I pulled her tightly to my side, my fingers digging into her ribs teasingly.

A giggle left her, drunken and sweet, and I smiled. The moonlight highlighted her features—the bridge of her nose, the rounded curve of her cheeks, the fullness of her lips. I wanted to scoop her into my arms and kiss her. I wanted to carry her to my bed. I wanted to slide inside her and stay there all night.

Not tonight.

Tonight, I’d fuck my fist while I thought about her. But on another night, a night where she was sober and enthusiastic, I’d bury myself inside her. I thought that was what she wanted, too. From the flirty way she’d touched me and smiled, to the way she leaned forward to show off the full curve of her tits in her dress.

She was all but asking for it, and I wanted to give it to her.