I could feel Ronan’s eyes on me, and I hoped he wouldn’t say anything to contradict what I’d just said. She worried enough. I didn’t need to tell her how awful it had been, or how scared I was.
“Did you get new locks? Are you staying with Gracie? Are you still at your place?” Her questions came out in one breath, and I laughed again.
“I’m, uh…” I was unsure if telling her I was staying with Ronan was the best idea or not. But before I could decide, he plucked the phone right out of my hand and aimed the camera at his face.
“Hi,” he said in a voice I’d never heard before. He soundedcheery. I blinked at him. Who was this man? “I’m Ronan.”
My mother didn’t skip a beat as she introduced herself. “I’m Caroline, but you can call me Carrie.” Again, that was not a smile I recognized. His entire face lit up, and his eyes had a gleam in them that made it impossible not to buzz with warmth.
“Willow’s doing alright,” he said as if I weren’t even there. “She was a little shaken up, but she’s a strong girl.”
“I know that’s right.” Mom laughed. My face flamed, and I pressed my hands over it. I wanted the world to swallow me up.
“She’s staying with me for a few days, just until we can get the locks changed and she feels comfortable going back to her place.”
Mom was silent for a few heartbeats. She was unpredictable. I had no idea what her reaction to that would be.
“So, you’re the famous Ronan,” she said. His lips twitched into a smile as I threw myself face down into the sand. Maybe it would suffocate me before my embarrassment could kill me.
“Oh, yeah. She talks about you all the time.”
“Mom!” I whined. They both laughed like they were old friends, and my face heated. If the world could open up and swallow me whole, that would be amazing.
“All good things, I hope,” he said, and Mom snorted.
“Mostly.” She cleared her throat, and I held my breath, bracing myself for whatever she was about to say. “I didn’t know you were…friends?” I sat back up, brushing the sand off my body.
Ronan’s eyes met mine, and there was a silent question in them. I knew what he was asking, but I wouldn’t be the one to answer it.Hehad to put a label on this, not me. Because even though we’d kissed—and that kiss had been incredible—nothing else had happened.
He hadn’t kissed me again, and sleeping next to him felt platonic. I secretly hoped something more would happen, but when it didn’t, I realized that maybe the kiss didn’t mean the same thing to him.
I scooted closer to him to get in frame. Mom’s eyes met mine through the phone, and a teasing smile played at her lips. I knew I’d hear about this later.
Her wavy dark hair, streaks of gray throughout, was tied in a messy updo. Her green eyes, the same shade as my own, shone with amusement and questions.
“We’ve started hanging out recently,” I said. That felt like a safe answer.
Ronan didn’t say anything, just rested his shoulder against mine as he held the phone out. Mom flicked her eyes between us, and I could see all the gears in her head turning as she tried to make sense of this.
“So, you’re friends,” she said. It felt like a trap. I glanced at Ronan, waiting to see what his response would be. Again, he said nothing. Just left me to flounder on my own.
“Yeah,” I said. “We’re friends.”
That word stung—friends. It hurt. It burned in my chest, and I hated it. I wanted to crumple that word and bury it, because Ronan Caldwell didnotfeel like my friend. He felt like everything.
Awkward silence stretched between the three of us. Ronan’s warmth rippled off him in waves, and I basked in it. Mom finally smiled and changed the subject.
“So, will you two be doing something for your birthday next week?” she asked, and I groaned. I’d forgotten to tell her about The Visit.
“Dad’s coming,” I blurted. “He’s bringing his wife and stepdaughter.” She stared at me for a long moment.
“They’re coming to Cedar Ridge?”
“Unfortunately,” I muttered. “They’re staying for a few days, but yeah, Ronan will be with me for that.”
“Oh, thank god,” she sighed. “At least you won’t have to face off with them alone.” She let out a soft laugh as she turned her attention to Ronan. “You probably think we sound like assholes.”