“I’m sorry I’ve fucked you up so badly,” she blurted. “I never thought about what it would do to anyone else. I was just—I’m sorry, Ro.”
I shook my head. After five years of not talking about it, we weren’t about to have this conversation right now. Not tonight. I was already hanging on by a thread, and if my sister finally decided to talk to me about her suicide attempt, I’d lose my mind.
“I know,” I said. “It’s alright.”
Her lips pressed tightly together, like she was trying to keep the words she wanted to say in. Finally, she wrapped her arms around my waist, giving me a long hug. I hadn’t realized how much I needed it until that moment.
We stood there for a few heartbeats before I pulled away. I kept my hands on her shoulders, needing her to hear my next words. “I need to check on Willow,” I murmured. “But we can talk later, okay? I am not ignoring you or your feelings. I’m here whenever you need me, and if things get dark, you know to call me.”
“I know,” she whispered. “My days have been pretty bright lately.”
My heart squeezed at her smile. A few years ago, I didn’t think I’d ever see it again.
“Love you, sis.”
“Gross.” She scrunched her nose. “Don’t go all mushy on me now.”
I rolled my eyes as I pressed my palm against her face, gently shoving her away. “Go home,” I grumbled. “And don’t speed. I swear to god, next time I’m letting Toby give you the ticket.”
“Whatever!” She skipped down the hallway, her blonde hair swinging behind her. I huffed out a laugh as she flipped me off, then disappeared around the corner.
My smile slowly disappeared as I braced my hand on the doorknob of my office. With a deep breath, I pushed the door open, finding Willow in the same position I’d left her in. The bottle was still open, and her gaze still transfixed on the wall.
“Hey, shortcake,” I said, resting my hand on her shoulder. She leapt out of her skin, her eyes massive as she turned toward me. “I’m sorry. It’s just me. I thought you heard me come in.”
She shook her head as she tried to catch her breath. “Sorry. I zoned out.”
I sat on the edge of my desk and stared at her. “You look exhausted,” I murmured. She dropped her gaze to the floor. “Do you want to stay with me for a while? Just until you’re comfortable to go back to your place.”
“Really?” she breathed, sounding shocked. “I can—I can ask Gracie if I can stay with her. I don’t want to impose.”
My fingers tapped against the desk. “I want you to stay with me, but if you’re not comfortable with that, we can call Gracie. Or I can set us up in a hotel.”
She stared at me. “A hotel?”
I shrugged. “I just want you safe and comfortable,” I said. “I don’t care where it is.”
“You won’t mind if I stay with you?” I wanted to pull her lip from her teeth as she chewed on it.
“Of course not, sweetheart.”
Her breath shuddered as she inhaled, then slowly let it out. “What if he comes back?” she whispered. “What if he wanted to hurt me?”
I pushed off the desk and kneeled in front of her. Resting my hands on her knees, I let my gaze bore into hers.
“I won’t let anything happen to you. I promise, Willow, I will do whatever it takes to keep you safe.”
Her hand slid over mine and gently squeezed. “I trust you.”
It was nearlytwo in the morning by the time we pulled into the driveway. Willow hadn’t said a word the entire drive home. I’d asked if she wanted to stop for food, but she’d just shaken her head and stared out the window.
“I can get you whatever you need from your place,” I said. My voice sounded too loud in the dark, quiet truck. Silence stretched between us, and when I turned to look at her, tears silently steamed down her cheeks.
My heart shattered.
I shoved the center console up, slid across the bench seat to her, and wrapped my arm around her shoulders, gently tugging her into my side.
“You’re safe,” I whispered, pressing my lips to the top of her head. “I’ve got you.” Her sweet scent invaded my lungs, grounding me, reminding me shewassafe.