Page 72 of Play Pretend

There was a squeal somewhere, and my mind clawed to wake up. A muffled thud, then another creak.

My dreary eyes fluttered open, but darkness was the only thing that greeted me. My heart pounded against my ribcage as the dream lingered in the periphery of my mind. Was it from the dream, or was it real?

A faint creak sounded outside my bedroom door, and my body went rigid. My mind became fully alert as I sat up in bed and looked around the room. Shadows clung to every corner, but I couldn’t see anything.

I strained to hear, but when there were no other sounds, I shook myself. It was just my imagination. Or maybe it was the house settling. Old pipes made sounds like that too, right?

I fell onto my back and took a deep breath to calm my racing heart. I was jumpy and shaky from that dream, and from feeling weird about how things were left with Ronan. That was all it was.

My imagination. The dream. Ronan.

But then another sound came from the other side of the closed bedroom door, and I knew my mind wasn’t making it up. It was too deliberate, too human, to be the house or the pipes, and there was a charge in the air that hadn’t been there before.

My limbs shook as I pulled the blankets back. I scooted to the edge of my bed, the tips of my toes scraping the rug as I stared at the door. Should I go out there and check? I didn’t know what the right thing to do was.

I grabbed my phone as I stood, my knees wobbly. Quickly, I tapped a text to Ronan. At this point, I didn’t care about being annoying. With every creak, every muffled sound, I was starting to get really freaked out, and I needed him, or someone, to calm me down. To tell me it was all in my head.


I’m sorry to bother you again, but I keep hearing weird sounds at my house. Could you come by to check it out?

The phone stayed clutched in my hand as I tiptoed across the room. My palm rested flat against the door, and slowly, I pressed my ear against it. My ears strained, and for a moment, there was nothing. No sound. No thickness in the air. Nothing.

I felt foolish thinking someone had broken in. Who would want to break into my little place, anyway? I didn’t have anything worth stealing.

But then I felt the vibrations of the floorboards groaning as someone walked around on the other side of the door.

I inhaled sharply, my breath getting lost in my lungs.

Someone’s out there.

I scrambled back as silently as I could, still not breathing. The doorknob of my closet was too cold as I pulled it open and sank to the floor, sitting on top of a pile of clothes and shoes. I left it open just a crack as I unlocked my phone again.

My thumbs shook as I tapped on Ronan’s name. I didn’t know what else to do, who else to call. There was another sound, a softthud, and fear burned the back of my nose. I pressed the phone to my ear, my breathing too loud and too ragged in the darkness.

They continued wandering the living room and kitchen. Cabinet doors opened and closed, and the sound of drawers sliding on their hinges filled my ears. I could barely breathe. I could barely do anything but focus on staying silent.

As they searched my house, an unsettling thought filled me—it didn’t sound like they weresearchingfor anything. It almost felt like their movements were deliberate, like theyknewwhat they were looking for.

I chewed on my lip, ignoring the stings of pain as I ripped the skin off. The line rang and rang, and I tapped my fingers against my knees.

Pick up.

Pick up.

Please pick up.

Ronan’s voicemail answered, and tears finally fell. Fuck.Fuck. What was I supposed to do? Who did I call now?

I clamped my hand over my mouth to stifle the sobs wanting to break free. Icy tendrils of fear snaked around my throat, sank into my lungs. A million thoughts soared through my mind.

What if they came into the room? What was I supposed to do? I couldn't fight. I didn’t have a weapon.

Everything was happening quickly, but also in slow motion.

I could call Gracie, but I didn’t want to put her in danger. Maybe Trinity was with Ronan? If I called her, could she tell him what was going on?

That would take too long, and what if the intruder got to me before he did? What if no one answered?