“Whatever,” he mumbled, yanking his truck door open. “Just keep your shit off my porch.”
“Keep your stinky trash on your side!” I shouted as he slammed it shut. His engine rumbled to life, and without a backward glance or taking the time to secure his seatbelt over his chest, he peeled out of the driveway. “God, can you believe him?”
“You like him,” Mom said knowingly, and I rolled my eyes. “He likes you, too. I don’t know why you don’t just ask him out already.”
“Because he’s a total grumpy douchebag,” I muttered, sliding into the car. “I can’t stand him.”
The lie I’d told my father a year ago lingered at the back of my mind, just like it always did when I came face to face with Ronan. But there was nothing I could do to change it. I was just thankful no one asked me about him too much.
The odd, “So, how’s…your boyfriend?” came up infrequently, but still enough for me to know Dad remembered. He clearly didn’t remember his name, but he remembered I was in a relationship withsomeone.And he remembered to tell mystepmother and stepsister all about it, because they brought it up every chance they got.
It was insane that I was still carrying this lie on. I knew that. But what choice did I have? It was never a good time to come up with another lie about us breaking up, and my father learning the truth was not an option.
Not only would he think I was a total stalker-weirdo, but everyone else would consider me even more pathetic than they already did. And if people in Cedar Ridge ever found out that I was lying about dating the hot, aloof sheriff, I’d be run out of town or chased with burning pitchforks.
I was pretty sure that was in the small-town handbook.
I’d figure out a good time to tell my dad that Ronan and I went our separate ways, and it had to be soon. Despite it being the beginning of summer, everyone was starting to ask questions about when I’d come to visit again. They’d been expecting Ronan during the holidays, and when he didn’t come, they were disappointed. I’d had to dodge questions left and right about him, lying through my teeth like a psychopath.
This year—ideally sometime soon—I had to fake breakup with him because I knew that no amount of persuasion would make anyone believe he had to stay behind with his family.
No. We had to break up. That was the only option.
“Are you listening to me?” Mom’s voice rang out, and I jolted back to the present.
“Yeah, of course.” I took a deep breath as I gripped my steering wheel and glanced over my shoulder to back out. “You were saying how much you love me.”
She snorted out an unamused laugh, and a smile curled my lips. “Sure was. I was asking what you want for your birthday.”
Oh, I forgot that was coming up, too.
“Nothing,” I said. Crisp green trees and different colored houses lined the streets as I drove through town towardthe Sugar Shack.As I passed, my attention caught on the community garden I’d dreamed of joining for the last five years, but it was invite-only and I didn’t know any members who could vouch for me.
I sighed. Maybe one day.
“Nothing?” she repeated, her tone deadpan. “At all?”
“I don’t need anything.”
“Of course, you don’tneedanything. But what do youwant?”
I pursed my lips into a thin line. The only thing on my mind was that garden. “I don’t know what you want me to say.” I laughed. “I’m okay. I don’t want or need anything.”
A long, dramatic sigh left her, and I rolled my eyes at her antics. I pulled into my usual spot at the back of the Sugar Shack. It sat on a hill overlooking the ocean. The rustic siding was a muted, pastel green that peeled and flaked, but the wear-and-tear only added to the charm. Vines crawled up the side, and the flowers I’d planted under the windows out front were thriving.
The morning sun reflected off the water in the distance, dancing and shimmering like glitter, and I knew when I opened my car door, the morning wind would be perfumed with the pastries baking inside.
“You’ll tell me if you think of something?” she asked, and even though she couldn’t see me, I nodded.
“You know I will.” My hands overflowed as I gathered all my belongings, balancing them precariously in my fingers. “I really have to go. It’s honey day.”
“Honey day?”
“We’re getting a shipment of local honey, and I need to help unload it.” She huffed out a laugh, the sound light and airy.
“I can’t believe this is your life,” she said, sounding awed. “I’m really proud of you, you know? You’re happy, and that’s all I could ever ask for.”
My lip rested between my teeth as I blinked back tears. “Thanks, Mom. I’ll talk to you later, okay?”