A deep breath filled my lungs as I worked up the courage to tell him I was going back to work, but before I could say anything, someone strolled into the room. They stopped behind me, and I turned to look at them over my shoulder.
“Oh, sorry. I didn’t realize you were in a meeting.” The man was wearing a uniform, and his dark blond hair was cropped close to his head.
“It’s fine. What do you need, Toby?” Ronan said, waving dismissively. I snapped my head forward, a smile teasing my lips as Trinity’s words from earlier came back. Had he already seen his desk?
“They found the slow cooker by Maeve’s place,” he said, and Ronan’s brows lifted.
“Really? That’s fucking weird.”
“The food inside was missing, and it was totally clean,” he continued. Ronan’s head reared back at the words.“And it seemed to be broken. The actual pot was cracked, and when it was plugged in, it didn’t turn on.”
“Fucking weird,” Ronan repeated. “Add it to the report.”
He let out a long sigh as he rubbed his forehead. That same weariness crept into his face again, and my heart squeezed. I hadn’t realized he was so tired—he always looked tired when he got home, but I thought it was just because hewastired from working all day. But this was different. This was a bone-deep tired, something that followed him and never let up. And I felt bad.
I wanted to help him forget everything that stressed him. I wanted him to relax—I wanted to be the reasonwhyhe relaxed.
Toby left the office as quickly as he came, and Ronan reclined back into his worn leather chair with a groan. I chewed my bottom lip, contemplating if I should ask what was going on. Was I even allowed to know? But if he wasn’t allowed to tell me, he wouldn’t.
“Someone lost a slow cooker?” I asked, and he huffed out a humorless laugh.
“We’ve had a string of burglaries around town,” he explained. “I’m surprised you haven’t heard about it.”
I shrugged. “I keep to myself.”
“The person is breaking into people’s homes and taking random things. A slow cooker with food in it, a broken digital camera, a massive plastic tub of Twizzlers. Just weird shit.”
“Twizzlers? In a tub?”
“Yeah, you know the massive tubs of them? Like the Costco-sized tubs?” He held his hands apart, miming the size of the container.
“Oh my god.” My eyes widened, and before I could stop it, a giggle escaped. “That’s ridiculous. That can’t be real.”
“Unfortunately, it is.” He sighed, pinching between his eyes. “And everyone in town is pissed at me for not catching the guy already.”
My smile slowly fell. So that’s what was weighing on him. “I’m sorry,” I murmured. “You’ll get him soon.” His lips pressed into a thin smile.
“Thanks for having faith in me, shortcake.” Ronan knocked against his desk before he stood. “Can I walk you out?”
His dismissal hurt, but I understood. He was busy, and I really needed to get back to the bakery to help Gracie. When he got to my side, he held his hand out, and I slid my palm against his. That same soft expression flitted over his face, but some tension still lingered.
Like he did the other day, he tucked my hand into the crook of his elbow as we walked down the hallway. I felt like I needed to say something,anything, but nothing came. And before I could think of anything, we were standing at the lobby door.
“I’ll see you later?” he asked, and I smiled up at him.
“Of course. I’ll text you.” I hesitated for only a moment, feeling like there was somethingmoreI needed to do before I left. A hug maybe? But that felt too intimate. A kiss was definitely off the table.
Before I could second guess myself, I wrapped one arm around him and gave him a quick hug. Then I was out the door and in the parking lot before either of us could fully register what had just happened.
What’s your favorite flower?
White lilies. Yours?