“Oh!” She snapped her fingers before pointing at me. “You’re from the bakery, aren’t you?”
“Yes.” I laughed breathlessly. “He said something about needing coffee, so?—”
She rolled her eyes, but there wasn’t any heat in her expression. “Yeah, one of our employees is a bit of a prankster. Just put it in the cubby, and I’ll take it to him.” She opened a smaller window on the glass and a metal box slid forward.
All I could do was stare at it. I didn’t want to give her the coffee. I wanted to take it to him myself.
But maybe that was ridiculous? He didn’t ask to see me; he just wanted coffee.
I flicked my gaze to her, but she was talking to someone I couldn’t see. “Could I take it to him?” I blurted, and her eyes slid to me before her head followed.
“He’s not taking any appointments today,” she said, and I shook my head.
“I’m his…friend.” It felt weird calling myself his girlfriend. If he hadn’t told them, why should I? Maybe he didn’t want anyone he worked with to know.
That got her attention, and she looked at me with a new expression. Slowly, her gaze dragged over my body, starting at my feet and lifting to my head. I tried not to nervously shiftaround, but it was impossible when she was scrutinizing every inch of me.
“You’re hisfriend?” she repeated, and I swallowed thickly as I nodded.
“We’re neighbors.”
She glanced at the person I couldn’t see, then back at me. “He didn’t say anything about expecting you.”
My chest filled with air as I took a deep breath. Right. So, he really did just want me to drop it off and leave. I didn’t understand why that stung so much.
“Toby is going to lose his mind looking for what I did to his desk.” I perked up at the voice, and my body swayed forward to look deeper into the room on the other side of the window.
“What did you do?” the older woman asked, shaking her head.
“Nothing,” Trinity said. “I left him a note saying I did something to his desk, but I really didn’t touch a thing. It’ll drive him crazy for days.” That familiar cackle rang through the office, and I grinned. She really was a menace, but it only made me adore her even more. “Willow?”
She jumped into view, her hair a mess around her face. She was wearing a hoodie, jeans, and sneakers today, just like she was the other night at the bar.
“Hey,” I smiled, lifting my hand in an awkward wave.
“Whatcha doin’ here?” She propped her hip on the desk and folded her arms over her chest. The older woman looked between us, questions on her wrinkled face.
I lifted the coffee and paper bag of food. “I’m here to see your brother,” I said, and she rolled her bottom lip out.
“And here I thought you wanted to see me,” she pouted, then let out a dramatic sigh. “But I guess you can see Ro. He’s in his office.” She reached for a button on the desk, but the older woman grabbed her wrist.
“The Sheriff isn’t taking appointments,” she repeated, flicking her gaze to me.
“This,” Trinity pointed at me, “is the Sheriff's girlfriend.”
The older woman’s mouth fell open, her eyes nearly popping out of her head. Another woman rolled into view on a computer chair, looking just as shocked.
“Girlfriend?” she repeated.
Heat rushed into my cheeks as the women stared at me. “It’s still new,” I muttered.
“I didn’t think he’d date anyone,” the older woman said. “I’ve tried setting him up with my niece for years, but he’s always said—” She shook her head. “That doesn't matter. I can’t believe he’s dating you.”
Ouch. Okay. That stung a lot. It seemed that everyone else had the same thought I did—he was too good for me.
I tried to not let it show on my face and forced another smile. “Don’t they make the cutest couple ever?” Trinity sighed dreamily. “I didn’t even have to pay her to date him. She’s willingly doing it.”
The other woman rolled her eyes as she rolled back out of view. “Trin, I need help getting these gems on my keyboard,” she said, and Trinity perked up.