Braydon reached for me, but I batted his hand away. I kicked my foot out, connecting it with the inside of his leg. He cried out as he fell to the floor, clutching his knee. I scrambled toward the door, but I stumbled in my heels, nearly falling to the floor. The momentary slip-up gave him the chance he needed, and his hand latched around my ankle, yanking me back.
I landed heavily on my front, my chin knocking into the floor. Metallic blood filled my mouth, and I choked on it. His nails dug into my skin as I tried to shake him free.
Tears streamed from my eyes.
Where was Ronan?
I screamed—in agony, in fear, in frustration.
Everything crashed down around me all at once. A part of me thought about giving up, letting him do whatever it is he wanted to do. I was mentally and emotionally exhausted. I didn’t know if I had fight in me anymore.
But then Ronan’s face flashed behind my eyes, and I knew I didn’t have a choice. I couldn’t give up.
I clawed at the carpet as Braydon dragged me toward him. He flipped me onto my side and kicked his foot into my stomach. All the air in my body left me in a violent whoosh, my lungs aching as I tried to breathe. I clawed at the carpet, pain filling my stomach. Braydon screamed something else, but I didn’t listen. I couldn’t hear past the roaring in my ears.
There was a loud crash, and I winced, bracing myself for the next blow. Then, all at once, I was yanked to my feet, something cold and hard was pressed against my side.
First, I saw his dress shoes, too shiny in the dirty apartment. As my eyes traveled up the long, strong length of his body, I noticed the tremors wracking it.
Finally, my gaze met his, and I froze.
Ronan stood in the doorway, his lips peeled away from his teeth, and his gun drawn. He’d made it, but I didn’t know if it was too late.
“I’ll have your badge!” Lydia shrieked, shoving from her chair. I glared at Bill, taking another step forward. I needed to go after Willow, to make sure she was alright, but I needed to finish this first.
“You’re going to regret this one day,” I seethed, my voice low. “And when you inevitably come crawling back, begging for your daughter’s attention—” Bill scoffed, the sound grating down my nerves.
It took everything I had not to ball my hand into a fist and let it fly through the air. My knuckles connecting with his face would be all too satisfying. But I felt everyone’s eyes on me—I knew they recognized me. I couldn’t hit him. I couldn’t raise my voice and yell at him the way he deserved.
I could do nothing but say this:
“You’re so fucking obsessed with control, you’d rather break your daughter’s heart than ever love her?—”
“I do love her,” he spat. “That’s why I don’t want to see her in this town. With you.” His face shifted to disgust, and I clenched my jaw. “She deserves someone better than you—someone who makes more money than a fucking sheriff in some small town. You’ll never give her everything she needs?—”
“I might not have a lot of money,” I said quietly. “But even if I had all the money in the world, it wouldn’t matter. Because all she wants is someone to love her. And I do.” He opened his mouth, but I continued. “I know that's hard for you to believe. But it’s true. It’s all she’s ever wanted—yourlove. You were the first man she loved, and you were the first man to break her heart.” I laughed bitterly. “I can’t even call you a man with a straight face, because a man doesn’t act the way you do. A man doesn’t treat his kid the way you do.” I looked at the table, and I knew my anger and hatred showed clearly on my face. “I hope you all get what you deserve.”
Lydia gasped, saying something in that drunken, slurred way that only she understood what she was truly saying. I tossed a wad of cash on the table before I stormed out, wanting to find Willow and take her home where I could comfort her after this shitty day.
I shoved the door open and stepped outside. The cool air immediately assaulted me, and I inhaled deeply. I looked around, not seeing the valet or Willow anywhere.
“Willow?” I called, waiting for her to pop out. But she didn’t. I took a step forward, looking around. It was dark, and the restaurant was out in the middle of nowhere, between Cedar Ridge and Blackrock Bay. “Willow? Sweetheart?”
There was a shuffling sound at the alley, and I hesitantly made my way there. But when I peered around the corner, all I saw were taillights at the other end. They disappeared as quickly as they came, and I looked around again.
My phone vibrated in my pocket, and I pulled it out. Willow. I smiled as I answered. “Hey, where are you?” There was a muffled, shuffling sound, but she didn’t answer. “Baby?”
“Braydon, where are you taking me?”
Dread pooled in my stomach at the words. They were muffled and far away, but I’d heard them clearly enough.
“Why are we going to Blackrock Bay?”
Blackrock Bay.