Page 134 of Play Pretend

Dad scoffed. “I take it you’re new in your position?” he asked. I turned a horrified look toward him.

“What?” I breathed. Ronan’s body was tense at my side—I could feel him vibrating, like any second he was going to leap out of his chair, and after that, I wasn’t sure what would happen.

“I’ve been Sheriff for three years,” he said tightly, and Dad laughed again, the sound condescending.

“And you haven’t caught this guy yet? You must not be very good.”

I gaped at him. How could he say that? How could hethinkthat? Ronan was amazing at his job. He was fair, and protective, and loved this town.

I opened my mouth to say as much, but Vanessa cut me off. “Your life is just so exciting,” she said with fake cheer. “You always have a story to tell. Doesn’t she, Dad? Always something.” My throat turned to sandpaper. “How have you managed to put up with it for awholeyear, Ronan?”

She smiled at him, but his lips didn’t twitch. “I’m notputting upwith her,” was all he said.

“Right.” She smiled. “Of course not. But you have to admit her…what’s the word?Dramaticsare a bit much, don’t you think?”

Dad chuckled again. “That’s the truth. She’s always told stories,” he said, tapping my shoulder. “Are you sure this isn’t just another one of your made-up tales?”

Ronan slammed his hand against the table, the glasses clinking together. “She didn’t make it up. Someone really did break into her house. And if you ever bothered to call and talk aboutherlife, maybe you would’ve known this already. Instead, she’s having to sit here and prove that her trauma is real.”

No one said anything. Lydia sipped her wine, Vanessa leaned back in her chair like a queen watching a show, and Dad stared at Ronan as if he’d lost his mind. Everyone watched him like his anger was totally random, like it was unwarranted.

“She hid in the fucking closet,” Ronan hissed. “She saw the man just a few feet from her?—”

“Were you there?” Vanessa asked skeptically. “We’re serious when we say she’s always been dramatic. I mean, she packed up her life and moved across the country on a whim. What else has she said or done on a whim? What lies has she told?”

Ronan didn’t say anything else, he just stared at her. “We should go,” he finally rasped, turning toward me. “We should leave. This is—this dinner is bullshit.”


“Sweetheart, let’s go.”

“Now, wait a second,” Dad said, putting his hand up. “I haven’t seen my daughter in?—”

“And whose fault is that?” Ronan shot back. “This is the first time you’ve stepped foot in our town.”

“Well, if Willy came to visit us more often, we wouldn’t have to be here,” Lydia mumbled. Ronan’s jaw tensed.

“Willow,” he whispered. “Let’s go.”

“You’re really going to allow some guy to speak for you?” Lydia scoffed, rolling her eyes.

“He’s not some guy,” I said softly. “He’s my boyfriend.”

“Is he?” Vanessa muttered. I gripped the edges of my chair, waiting for her to just say it, to tell everyone. But she never did. “I think your boyfriend is ready to leave. You need to be a good littlegirlfriendand do as he says.”

“Does he boss you around all the time?” Dad asked, glaring at Ronan.

“Only when she’s unable to speak for herself,” Ronan shot back.

“She can speak,” Lydia chimed in. “She just did.”

Ronan’s throat bobbed. I felt him getting antsier and antsier. With a deep breath, I stood. My knees wobbled and my handsshook. My breathing was shallow and harsh, but I stared at everyone.

“I’ll see you all tomorrow,” I croaked. Ronan wasted no time tossing money on the table, grabbing my hand, and all but dragging me out of the restaurant.

As soon as we were outside, he rested his hands on my face and pressed a kiss to my lips. He kissed me like our lives depended on it, like I was his lifeline, his oxygen. Like he was mine.

My hands tangled in his shirt as I dragged him closer to me, feeling every ounce of love he poured into that kiss. Tears filled my eyes as he pulled away.