Page 131 of Play Pretend


Yeah, big big bro. Don’t you know that working out is forbidden in these parts?

I’m basically the sheriff. I know the laws.


I’m muting you now.


Wait! How’s it going?


It’s not great.

We’re at dinner.


Give Willow an extra big smooch from me!!

And an extra big glass of alcohol!!!

I slidmy phone back into my pocket and turned my attention to Willow. She smoothed her hands over her hair. It was pin-straight, instead of wavy like usual. She looked gorgeous, but her hair, her makeup, even her dress was different. It was like she’d put on layer after layer of armor, like she was removing herself so far from the person she truly was to protect herself.

Chatter and light seeped out the open doors of the Bayside Bistro, the scent of cooked food hanging thick and warm in the air. We stared out at the street, waiting for Willow’s family to show up.

Apparently, they didn’t like my truck, so they rented a car and were meeting us here. After we dropped them off, Willow finally let herself fracture. She didn’tbreak, but she was close.

A tear dripped from her eye, but she’d quickly wiped it away like it never existed. I wanted to promise her that she wouldn’t feel like that again. But I couldn’t make that promise, because they were going to be here for two more days, and there was absolutely nothing I could do to ease her pain.

The streetlight reflected in her eyes, and I stepped closer. “We can still go home,” I murmured. “Tell them I was sick, and we couldn’t come.” She peered up at me, giving me a wobbly smile.

“It’ll be alright.” She sighed, sliding her fingers through mine. “It’s just a couple hours.”

She turned back to the street, and a breeze brushed her hair away from her face. I wanted to kiss her, hold her, give her the world on a silver platter. But I couldn’t find the words.

“You know,” she whispered, her voice thick. “I never thought we’d be here.”

“What do you mean?” I squeezed her hand gently.

“When I told that lie—” She turned toward me again, her gaze searching mine. “When you agreed to do this—to pretend to be my boyfriend this weekend—I never thought we’d behere. Together. I hoped it would somehow become real, but I never let myself truly believe it could happen.”

I smiled softly, reaching up to cup her face. “I never thought it would turn out like this either,” I admitted.

“You’refaking?” someone said from behind Willow. Her eyes went wide, only the whites of them showing in the night, andwhirled around. I lifted my gaze behind her, finding Vanessa only a few feet from us. “I should’ve known.”

Her head fell back as she cackled. Slowly, she strolled forward, her thin hips swaying, the silky fabric of her skirt shifting with every step.

“No—” Willow shook her head, her hair swaying. “We’re not faking anything.”

“We’re really together,” I said, stepping closer to Willow.

“You just said he agreed to be your boyfriend for the weekend,” Vanessa said, still chuckling. “Oh my god, I didn’t realize you could get even more pathetic.”

“Look, it’s not?—”