“Me?” Trinity gasped, pressing her hand against her chest. “Nothing. I was always, and have always been, a perfect angel.” Everyone groaned their disagreement. “What?”
“Babe, you are the definition of trouble.” Brynne laughed. Her phone vibrated on the table, and Trinity snatched it up. “Hey!”
“I want to answer this time,” she muttered.
“What are you two doing?” Theo asked, leaning to look over Trinity’s shoulder. “Oh my god. Is that Pulse?”
“Of course you recognize it,” Trinity mumbled.
“Why the hell are you on that?” Theo reached for it, but Brynne snatched the phone out of Trinity’s hand.
“It’s mine, not hers,” she hissed.
Theo just stared at her, then dropped his hand back to the table. “I can’t believe you’re on that,” he mumbled.
“Leave them alone,” Demi gently scolded.
“Mom, it’s a hookup app.” He threw an accusing hand toward his sister. “Trinity should not be on it.”
“I’m not on it.” She stuck her tongue out at him. “Brynneis on it. I’m just finding matches for her.”
“Pulse was the worst,” I blurted, and everyone turned toward me. I wanted to melt into my chair and disappear.
“You were on Pulse?” Ronan asked, though he didn’t sound upset.
“Gracie convinced me,” I rushed to explain. “I was only on it for a few days, but all the guys were?—”
“Weirdos,” Brynne and Trinity said together.
“Yeah. Weirdos.”
“I was on it for a short time,” Ronan admitted quietly, and I blinked at him.
“See? Weirdos.” Trinity waved her hand at him, and he rolled his eyes. “Anyway…” She turned her attention to her mom. “It isn’t a hookup app, like your son would lead you to believe. It’s adatingapp?—”
“Brynne doesn’t need an app to find someone,” Theo grumbled. “Neither of you do.”
“How else are we supposed to meet someone?” Brynne shot back.
“In person. Online dating is dangerous. You don’t know who you’re really talking to on the other end,” he said, and Demi nodded.
“That’s true.” She pointed at the girls. “I saw this documentary where the girl was—what’s that word? Fished?”
“Catfished,” I said, and she nodded.
“Thank you, honey. She was catfished.”
“That happens all the time,” Trinity muttered, wiggling her fingers. “You have to know how to vet the person you’re talking to.”
“How?” Demi asked curiously.
“Well, you ask for more selfies,” Trinity said, tapping her finger against her chin. “Maybe FaceTime before you meet in person. At least talk on the phone.” She flashed her mother a mischievous grin. “Why, Mom? Are you looking to get back on the market?”
“Oh, goodness no.” She laughed, shaking her head.
“It’s getting late,” Ronan chimed in. Theo glanced at his watch and sighed.
“I forget you’re a grandpa and turn in early,” he said, and Trinity snorted.