I cringed as the words fell out—why was I so awkward?
There was a beat of silence, and I felt like crawling into a hole and hiding for the rest of the night. But then Trinity shoved her fist into the air and cried, “Hell yeah!”
It broke some of the tension, making everyone laugh again, but my nerves had already coiled tighter. I tried to catch my breath, tried to pull on my customer service mask and pretend that I was just talking to a customer, but it wouldn’t come.
Because she wasn’t a customer, she was my boyfriend’s mom. And if she hated me…if she hated me, he’d leave.
So I had to be perfect.
Thankfully, Theo made his way back to his corner, and the girls went back to their stools, seeming to ignore us as we made our awkward introductions. I knew I needed to shake her hand, or hug her, orsomething, but my mind was working overtime. I didn’t know what the right thing to do was. What if she wasn’t a hugger, and I went in for one? Or what if shewas,and I shook her hand instead?
I was overthinking it, I knew that, but I couldn’t stop. What if I messed everything up with his mom right now, and Ronan decided that if I couldn’t get along with his family, I wasn’t the one for him?
“I’m Demi,” she said, breaking the silence. I blinked—I should’ve asked her name first. Iknewhow to act around people; I did it all day every day. But I couldn’t think straight.
“Willow,” I breathed. She smiled gently as she searched my face, as if she were scrutinizing every inch of me.
Her energy was similar to her sons—warm and inviting. But there was something closed off about her, too. Almostprotective, like she was gauging whether I was the right fit for her son or not.
Which I didn’t fault her for. I understood it, and I respected it.
But in that moment, I had no idea what to do or say.
Thankfully, Ronan drew her attention to him, talking about the festival at the end of the summer. My gaze flitted around the overstimulating kitchen and found Theo’s. He lifted his drink before gesturing to one sitting on the counter beside him. I hesitated, unsure if I should leave Ronan’s side or not, but they seemed like they were in deep conversation and wouldn’t miss me.
I hurried to Theo’s side and wrapped my hand around the cool glass, letting it ground me.
“How you doing, kid?” he asked, and I blinked at him.
“Kid?” I repeated, quirking my brow, and he laughed. “You don’t look much older than me.”
“I’m older than I look. But you,” he gestured to me with his chin, “look like you’re ready to bolt.”
I turned my attention back to Ronan, a smile teasing my lips as his mother tugged on his grown-out hair, gently scolding him about a haircut.
“I don’t want to bolt,” I muttered, and he snorted another laugh. “Idon’t.”
“Mom’s a good woman, but she’s protective of us.” His eyes traveled over his siblings, lingering a moment longer on Trinity. “We’ve been through…a lot.”
“Ronan told me about some of it,” I said softly. Theo’s eyebrows rose as he looked at me.
“Did he?”
Was I not supposed to tell anyone that? But before I could backtrack, Theo brought his drink to his lips.
“My brother is…he’s a square,” he said, and I choked on a laugh. “But he’s the best man I’ve ever known. Better than Adam, better than my dad, certainly better than me. But he’s different, can be set in his ways or hard to work with. Sometimes he gets in his head and can’t see anything around him.”
“I know,” I murmured, staring at the glass in my hand. I still hadn’t taken a sip yet. “I know about his OCD?—”
“So, he’s told you everything, huh?” He laughed and I shrugged. “All I’m saying is, be patient with him.”
I stared at Ronan, my heart swelling. “I will be,” I whispered. “He’s patient with me, too.” I felt Theo’s eyes on the side of my head, but I couldn’t bring myself to look at him.
“He really likes you, you know,” he said so softly, I almost didn’t hear him. “He’s been crushing on you for years.” My head whipped around, and my mouth fell open.
“No way.”
He chuckled, taking another sip. “Yep. I think it’s taken him this long to finally work up the courage to ask you out,” he said. I blinked.