Page 11 of Play Pretend






“You would tell me if you were one of those pesky creatures, now wouldn’t you?” She eyed me, scrutinizing every detail. I hadn’t finished tapping. I had to start over. “You look like my brother.” Leaning forward, she gave me a deep sniff. “You smell like him, too. Which reminds me, you need a shower?—”

“I took a shower this morning,” I grumbled, finally pulling away from her touch.

“Oh, well…maybe wash better next time.”







A relieved breath left me as I tapped my fingers for the seventh time.

She flashed a grin, letting me know she was only teasing. But it didn’t matter, the self-doubt had already crept in. I turned my head, subtly sniffing at my armpit to see if I’d forgotten deodorant this morning.

But I hadn’t. I never do. I wouldn’t.

The movement only made my sister throw herself against the opposite wall and cackle, her laugh nothing but a wheeze. She sounded like a damn kettle whistling.

“Are you done?” I huffed out. Without waiting for her to answer, I whirled around and headed for the kitchen. I needed coffee and some chocolate to get through the rest of my morning.

“Wait up!” She rushed after me, falling into step at my side. “Where are you going? What are you doing? Can I come? I’msoobored.”

“You shouldn’t be bored,” I countered. “You should be working.”

“I’ve done everything I need to do already.”

“Like what?”

We paused in the kitchen, the fluorescent lights blinding. She held up her hand as she began checking things off with her fingers. “I cleaned out Toby’s desk, which was a total wreck, by the way. And, before you ask, it was not because of me.”

“You emptied six bottles of shaving cream in it.” Her lips tipped up in a wistful smile, and I rolled my eyes. I had to admit Toby kind of deserved it. But I was everyone’s boss, and I couldn’t play favorites.

So I had to make her clean it up and apologize—the latter seemed to be harder for her than the former, which wasn’t surprising.

“Yeah, but he stole my last brownie. It was warranted.”

I grunted as I turned toward the coffeemaker, snatching a mug from the rack on my way. “I also cleaned the kitchen—if you notice the shiny appliances and fresh smelling air.” She wafted her hand in front of her nose, and I glanced around.

It was…not all that cleaner, to be honest.

“I also helped Jess bedazzle her phone,” she continued. “You know, a cute work environment makes for better employees. Just saying. Maybe I should be the boss instead. I’d give everyone bedazzled phones.” She pointed at imaginary people around her, likely about to do her terrible Oprah impression. “You get a bedazzled phone! And you get a?—”