Page 93 of The Step Dare

“You weren’t there for me as a kid,” I force out, “and you sure as hell can’t be here for me now.”

I sniffle, managing to keep in the tears before finding the anger within me once again, harnessing it to get to what must be done.

“And since I know you better than anyone, I know that even after everything I’ve said, you’re still thinking you could find a way to smooth this over and get me to make nice so you can attend the wedding. I want you to know that if you try to so much as show your face near the hotel, I will tell every single guest what you did to us. Every comment you made to Mom, particularly the one about Aria when Mom was grieving the loss of a child. I didn’t talk back when I was a kid because it was clear you and everyone from the courts didn’t give a damn about what I had to say, but today, I will not be satisfied until I have convinced each and every person there what a piece of shit you really are. And if you think this is a bluff, I dare you to try me.”

I don’t think I’ve ever said so much or been more serious than I am in this moment.

Honestly, it’s hard to be sure if it’s a bluff or if I just know the Piece of Shit well enough to anticipate his response, because I can see it all over his face now.

I’ve won.

Finally, after all these years, he’s the one who can’t say anything to get himself out of this.

“So,” I say, catching my breath. “Let me tell you how this is gonna go down…”



My cell rings,and I tug it out of my pocket, exhaling a sigh of relief when I see Taylor’s name on the screen. He must be back in the room. “It’s him,” I call out to Dad, with whom I’m making a second trip around the property. My fingers are trembling when I answer the call.

“Are you okay? Did that motherfucker do something to you? I swear to God, I’ll kill him if he hurt you.”

“He didn’t hurt me, Bren. I’m fine. How did you know I was with him?”

“Mila saw you with a man, and when she described him, I knew who he was.” Dad rushes over, watching me as I talk to Taylor. “Are you okay?” I ask again.

“Yeah, I just…need you.”

My heart stumbles at hearing him say that. I don’t want Taylor to ever be hurt, but I want to be the person he knows will always have his back, the one who soothes the aches of the world for him. “I’m coming. We’ll be right there.” We’re already heading back toward the resort. Luckily, it will only take us a couple of minutes to get there. “Your mom. She knows too, and she’s worried. Do you want Dad to message her and let her know you’re okay?”

“Shit,” he replies. “No, I’ll do it.”

“Okay. See you in a minute.” There’s a slight sting in my thighs from how fast I’m walking. I know how much everythingwith the Piece of Shit hurts him, and the last thing I want is for him to have had to deal with that today of all days.

“Is he all right?” Dad asks.

“I think so,” I answer as I shoot a group text to everyone else, letting them know Taylor is back. “I just need to see him.”

“You’re really in love with him, aren’t you?” Dad smiles.

“Yes…and it’s scary as hell.”

“Love is always scary. I was scared when I fell in love with your mom, and felt the same with Nicole, but it’s also the best thing that’s ever happened to me—both times.”

I chuckle, wanting to ask him a million questions, wanting to make sure everything will be okay. But the truth is, he can’t promise that. None of us can. We just have to enjoy the time we have when we have it. “Come on. Let’s hurry.”

I pick up to a jog, Dad right beside me as we hurry back to the hotel. Just as we’re getting on the elevator, I get a text from Taylor to meet him in our parents’ room. “He’s with Nicole,” I tell Dad, who hits the button for their floor.

I’m practically bouncing on my toes, unable to stay still, heart racing. I need to see Taylor so bad, need to make sure he’s okay.

Dad uses his key card, and as soon as I step in, I see Nicole and Taylor hugging, his mom crying as he tells her it’s okay and that he’s sorry for scaring her.

“I was worried sick.” She pulls away, and Taylor’s gaze catches mine.

“I know. I shouldn’t have left with him. I just needed to get him out of here. I didn’t want to do anything to ruin your day, but it looks like I might have done that anyway. I thought I could get back before you realized I was gone.”

“You didnotruin my day, Taylor. You didn’t do anything wrong. You were just being you…trying to take care of the people you care about.”