Page 81 of The Step Dare

“I think you like me for more reasons than my ass and my dick.”

He shrugs. “Well, two things can be true at the same time. I can like you for those thingsandbecause you’re an awesome guy.” He winks, practically glowing after delivering the compliment.

“Someone’s really nailing this boyfriend thing.”

“I know, right? I haven’t even done this shit, and I’m already winning.”

As I laugh, I notice a shift in Brenner’s expression, the broad smile fading quickly as something familiar takes over. Something that reminds me of moments when we were hanging out as kids, something I could see even back then.

“What is it?” I ask.

He starts to say something but stops himself. “Nothing.”

I angle my head, glaring. “It’s clearly not nothing, Bren. Out with it.”

His gaze wanders.

We talked about his mom earlier, so I get why that would flare up from even recalling a time closer to when he lost her. And I just want to be here for him through it.

I wait patiently for him to share before he says, “I was thinking about what it was really like when you would come over, especially if you’d just had to spend time with the Piece of Shit.”


A ball of tension constricts in my chest as his words bring back the reality of those nights—both of us struggling with our shit, using video games and jokes to escape the pain.

“Yeah,” I say, reflecting on the bottled-up rage I’d still have in me on those nights.

And now that he’s brought it up, it really feels like we’re back in his bedroom, and I’m carrying the bullshit from having spent the day with my father.

“I remember being so glad when he would let me have sleepovers at your place,” I say. “Like God forbid I spend any more time with Mom, but that was like my sanctuary.Youwere my sanctuary, Bren.”

“You were mine too. Even before we started discussing it, it was nice being around someone who had his own problems to deal with. It somehow made what I had to carry feel a little more manageable.”

“I know what you mean.” I reach up to him, stroking my knuckles along his cheek. “I don’t know how I would have survived all that if you hadn’t been there.”

“I don’t know that I would have even wanted to survive it if you hadn’t been there.”

I roll toward him and prop myself on my elbow.

“Even before all this,” he says, “feels like it’s always been just you and me against this fucked-up world.”

As his gaze locks with mine, I see all the vulnerability Brenner normally hides from everyone else behind his charm and playfulness. The part of him that’s just a kid still crying for his mom. The part of him he’s scared as fuck is gonna get hurt again.

“It has always been you and me,” I say as I lean into him, taking a kiss.

I grab the back of his head, drawing him closer as I slide my tongue into his mouth, then guide him onto his back, straddling his leg as he hooks his arms around me.

“Taylor,” he whispers as he pulls away from another kiss. “I know what I want.”



Istill can’tbelieve how much has changed in the last few months. Our parents are getting married. We’ll be a family together. And now us—being together, being his. I’ve never wanted to be anyone’s before, but I want that with Taylor. Want to feel…possessed by him, connected to him, just another way to show that we belong to each other.

“What, Bren? Tell me. I’ll give you anything.”

I smirk. “Anything?”