Page 79 of The Step Dare

And I’m his boyfriend.

That’s fucking wild.

It’s the best feeling, and even better seeing how excited he seemed about it throughout the rest of the social.

On the way to our place, Brenner says, “Glad some girls Sadie’s age ended up showing.”

“I am too. Although, she was having plenty of fun before they got there, which I was happy about. Not sure she’ll go on any of these dates she was bound and determined to get, but if one of them clicks, I imagine her mom will be driving them out to the nearest Applebee’s for a nice Friday evening get-together.”

Bren laughs. “That’s the tragedy of trying to date when you’re that young. Needing your parents to drop you off on dates.”

“You think when we tell our parents, we’re not going to have to go on dates with them?”

He cringes. “Fuck. Don’t spoil all the sexiness of today.”

I laugh. “Just being realistic.”

“Well, stop.”

“Or you’ll do what?”

“Give you another dance lesson.”


Bren rests his hand on my thigh. “Is that what you’re gonna give me tonight?”

“Is that what you want tonight? Some ass?” I sneak a glance as he considers it.

“I’m trying to decide if I want to fuck my boyfriend or get fucked by my boyfriend. What does my boyfriend want?”

Between him touching my leg and saying the word, my cheeks flush with heat as desire pulses through me.

“Yeah, that’s right,” he goes on as he slides his hand toward my crotch. “I know what myboyfriendlikes when I say it.”

There it is again, and he’s emphasizing it in a way that’s really getting me going. Brenner and this word shouldn’t have this kind of power over me, but it’s so hot, I don’t really give a fuck.

“Oh, you like thata lot.” He grips the stiff erection crimping in my jeans.

Fortunately, we’re around the corner from our place.

He offers another stroke before pulling his hand away, and it’s fucking torture.

“You can just enjoy that feeling until we get in the bedroom.”

I gulp and focus on the road. Feels like an eternity before we get through the main gate of the complex. And as I slide into my parking space, something primal and determined rises within me.

Brenner sports this cocky grin as we get out of the car, clearly loving the way he got me all wound up.

“Maybe we should watch a movie first?” he says as we head through the breezeway and up the stairwell. I shake my head, but he doesn’t let up. “We could order pizza and finish it before the movie.”

I roll my eyes. “How about we bake some brownies? What’s that? Another thirty minutes?”

“Not a bad idea,” he says, and I search around before spinning toward him. I don’t even know what’s come over me, but before I know it, I have him pinned against the wall by our neighbor’s door, my lips smashing against his as I rub this crimping erection against him.

As I pull away, he gasps, and I whisper, “Kissing you now shouldn’t feel any different than all the other times we’ve kissed.”

“No, it shouldn’t,” he says before my mouth is back on his again.