I’m waiting for Ash to respond when I notice all three are looking at me.
Ash winces.
“How is that directed at me? You’re in a relationship too.”
“We seethoselovebirds all the time,” Lance says.
“Too much,” Marty jokes.
“Can you stop calling us lovebirds?” I ask. “That’s weird.”
“Do you want him to use the B-word instead?” Ash raises a brow. “Are we there?”
The B-word.
Even though Ash didn’t say it, a warm sensation stirs in my chest.
I glance over to Brenner, who’s putting streamers up with Troy. As he catches my gaze, he makes an overdramatic move like he’s about to tumble off the ladder, making me laugh.
“What the fuck was that?” Lance asks, pulling my attention back to them.
“Is it time for the B-word?” Ash presses, seemingly serious this time.
“It’s not a curse word,” Lance tells him, then to me, “Are you guys boyfriends?”
I quickly shut it down. “No, no, no, no. And if I find out anyone is conspiring to do some kind of weird-ass boyfriendposal for us, I’m gonna lose my shit.”
Last year, Alpha Theta Mu had a whole event for Ash and Colin becoming boyfriends, including a party in the living room. Brenner and I were invited, and fun as it was, fuck if I’d ever want all that attention on us, even if we were getting together.
Ash laughs. “Don’t worry. We’ll wait until you’re actually boyfriends before we throw you a boyfriendposal.”
“Yeah,” Lance says, “that’s like Boyfriendposal 101 shit.”
I roll my eyes. “I’m adding that to the list of reasons why I’m glad I never joined a frat.”
“You’re a little late,” Lance says. “You and Brenner are basically Alpha Theta Mus by association.”
“Yeah,” Ash says. “We adopted you like Frat Cat.”
“I’m just giving you hell, man,” Lance assures me with a laugh. “I’ll reword it to get less shit: how is whatever-the-hell-you’re-doing-with-Brenner?”
“That’s great,” I say. “Not much to report. We’re the same guys we were before. We just do other stuff now.”
Wake up in each other’s arms most days.
Share gentle kisses before heading off to work or school.
Get more excited than ever before to see each other again.
The more I think about it…lots of boyfriend shit.
“I really miss a relationship,” Lance says as he starts connecting USB plugs into his laptop. “It’s nice having someone to wake up next to. Someone to watch a movie with at night. Someone to go on dates with. And I mean, morning BJs are always nice.”