“I’m not jealous. I just thought you had better taste.”
“Hey, I likeyou, don’t I?”
“Good point,” I agree.
“I didn’t want Josh in high school. This is all newer to me. I didn’t make that up. I mean, were there likely signs earlierthat I ignored or didn’t understand? Sure. Like how I remember thinking you looked hot in your tux. I didn’t think it meant I wanted to fuck you, though. But I can assure you you’re what made me ready to take this step, Bren.”
I turn his way and grin. “You basically just said you’re in love with me.”
“I did not say that.” He pulls into the parking lot and finds a space.
“Whatever you say, Mister I’m-in-love-with-Brenner.”
I get out of the car, and Taylor follows right behind me. “You sound like you wish that was the case.” He opens the door to the building for me.
I clutch my stomach and pretend puke. “Ew. Love is gross.”
“Can I help you?” a blond man with green eyes asks. He’s wearing a suit and has a tape measure around his neck.
“We have an appointment. Brenner Dean and Taylor Falkner.”
“Oh yes. Your parents are getting married, right? You’re part of the wedding party.”
“We are the wedding party,” I reply. Our tailor doesn’t look impressed with me. “Hey, Taylor and tailor,” I tease.
“It’s his first time in public,” my Taylor jokes.
“Well…yes. Let’s get started. Taylor, come with me. My coworker will help you, Brandon.”
“Brenner.” Other Tailor is a dick.
A woman approaches, and I follow her toward the back where they went. There are a few rooms, and Taylor is in one of them already, while Asshole Tailor waits outside.
“I’m Heidi. Your suit is inside. Go ahead and put it on, and then we’ll get started.”
I nod and go into the room. Taylor and I could have gone into one together, but I’m pretty sure that’s frowned upon. I hurryinto all the clothes, then open the door to only see Heidi waiting for me. Asshole Tailor must already be inside.
“One of your parents is getting married, right?” Heidi asks.
“My dad is marrying Taylor’s mom.”
Heidi makes small talk while telling me how to move and stand, taking measurements and sticking pins in places, but I can’t stop focusing on what’s going on in the other room. Asshole Tailor is really chatty in there. I can’t make out what they’re saying, but twice he makes my Taylor laugh, and what the fuck? Asshole Tailor didn’t seem that funny to me. I’m also pretty fucking sure Asshole Tailor is queer, and if he thinks he’s going to hit on my…whatever it is we are, he has another thing coming.
“Can you lift your arms?” Heidi asks, and I really wish I could tell her no and go to the next booth and see what’s so funny. But I do what she says while she pulls things in a really weird way.
More mumbling from the other room.
Taylor laughing.
“Psst!” I say loudly.
Heidi frowns. “Yes?”
“Not you. I was talking to Taylor…not the tailor, my Taylor, I mean.”
She chuckles. Thankfully, Heidi’s chill, but Taylor doesn’t seem to hear me. “Is he your…” she asks.
Well, shit. “Best friend,” I finish for her.