Page 52 of The Step Dare

There’s stuff we need to talk about—between these feelings and our parents—but there’s a time to talk and a time to fuck.

This is definitely a time to fuck.

“We…should…get in…the bedroom,” I say, wondering if he even made out the words with how determined he seemed to keep our lips together.

I would’ve thought it’d be awkward as fuck trying to get up from the floor and into his bedroom, but it turns into stripping down between make-out sessions, a chaotic scene of losing shirts, shoes, and pants, until we’re just in our underwear. We wind up on his bed, with Bren on his back as I hook my arms around his legs, rubbing my crotch against his ass, my body acting out the fantasy that ignited the night I got a taste of ass.

Brenner snickers.

“What’s so funny?” I ask now that his lips give mine a moment’s peace.

“Tay went from being my straight buddy to being addicted to ass real fast.”

Now I’m the one snickering. “Hearing you call me straight now that I realize I’m so not is hilarious.”

“How’s that all going, if you don’t mind me asking? You seem cool with everything, but…is there anything you wanted to ask a bi guy?”

That’s so thoughtful. So Bren.

“Honestly? I think it’s easier for me since I knew your stuff first. Seeing you like guys and girls. So it might be new to me, but in some ways, I already get it, so I’m just going with it.”

“Wait. You’re not blaming me for suddenly being addicted to ass, are you?” he jokes.

I laugh. “Yeah, it’s totally your fault. This wasn’t something I probably always had in me just waiting to be activated.”

“Mmmm, so I activated you? That’s even hotter.”

“I must admit, it helps knowing that if anything comes up that I’m worried about, I have a bi buddy I can talk to. At the moment, though, my biggest issue around the whole subject is I’ve only had one ass so far, which seems kind of cruel.”

“That is cruel. We’re gonna have to do something about that.”

Fuck, he’s fun.

Bren grabs a condom and lube from his nightstand while I pull off my boxers. As he settles on his back again, I snatch either side of his briefs and slide them down his legs before discarding them off the side of the bed.

“Ooh, I like aggressive Taylor,” he says, making me blush. “Seriously, it’s hot.”

He starts to tear at the condom but stops himself. “We both said it’s been six months. Was Rachelle your last partner?”

“Yeah.” From the wicked glint in his eyes, I have a feeling I know where this is going.

“And we both got full panels after Dax.”

“Bren, you seriously talking about me being inside you raw right now?”

“This is my first crush. Shouldn’t we do something to celebrate?”

I’m laughing again. Oh, he really just has this power to get me going.

“You’re right,” I say, leaning down and snatching the condom away from him. “We should celebrate.” I toss the condom over my shoulder, and Brenner stares me down.

It’s wild to think that one minute we were debating whatever the hell we’re feeling for each other, and now he’s under me, looking like he wants to be drilled.

And I’m eager to give him the drilling.

“Put some lube on me,” I instruct, and Bren smiles.

He pumps some into his palm before reaching down and readying my cock.