“Playing video games?” Dax replies, raising a brow.
“I meant other than that.”
He shrugs. “I’m meeting up with a guy who lives near here, so I stopped by for a bit.”
I say a silent thank-you I have no right to feel. It doesn’t mean Taylor and Dax aren’t hooking up, just not right now.
“How was work?” Tay asks.
“Good. Mila stopped by.”
“Who’s Mila?” Dax asks.
“His new best friend,” Taylor replies, a strange tightness to his voice.
“Not like Tay is my best friend, of course. You’ll always be my number one.”
“Aww. Aren’t you guys cute?” Dax teases.
“I think we are.” I nudge Taylor playfully with my elbow, but he gets up. “Where are you going?”
“To get a drink.” He goes into the kitchen, while Dax is still taking his turn.
I get up and follow him. “Are you and Dax…”
He tilts his head, his forehead creasing. “What? No. That was a one-time thing.”
I nod, again oddly thankful.
“Wait…do you want to…with Dax?” Tay asks.
“What? No,” I say, which is exactly what he’d just said to me. “Besides that one night, I haven’t hooked up with anyone else since last school year.” Shit. Maybe I shouldn’t have told him that. And why is it true? I’m still trying to figure that out.
“You haven’t?”
“Me neither.”
“Good,” I reply. “I mean, not good. It’s fine if you do. I don’t know why I said that.”
Luckily, before he can reply, Dax comes into the kitchen. “I’m gonna dip. Unless the two of you want to go again? If so, I’ll bail on the other guy.”
I want to say no, but I don’t want to make a decision for Taylor. If he wants to explore his bisexuality more, he has the right.
“I think we’re good. Thanks, though,” Taylor replies, and I breathe easier for some reason.
“Damn. You two are the first not to want another shot at my ass.”
“Shut up,” I tell Dax. “You know you have a great hole.”
“I do.” He winks. “Catch ya later. I’ll see myself out.”
We nod and hear him go for the door. When I look at Taylor, he’s looking at me again. “What?” I ask, heart beating faster thanit should. What the fuck. Am I having a heart attack? I rub a hand over my chest while I wait for Taylor to answer.