“That’s a good idea.”
I kind of wish he hadn’t said that. I would have loved to get him back on the sofa and finish what we started.
I head to my room, knowing we did the right thing, but really wishing Atlas hadn’t interrupted so I could have dicked down my future stepbro.
It’s been along month…a long five weeks?…since the threesome that will go down in Brenner’s Book of Sexual Escapades as one of the hottest experiences of my life. Strangely, quite a few of them involve Taylor, even though our experience together is pretty limited. Something about our hookups is always different, this mixture of fun, sexy, and just…next level? For whatever reason, touching him is better than when I hook up with someone else.
Something I haven’t done since the last school year. It was one thing when I was having regular orgasms with him, but I haven’t had one with anyone other than myself in too long. Hence why it feels like it’s been a long five hundred years…
The incident with the picture nearly did me in. I’m not sure if Taylor knows just what he’s doing to me. I swear I haven’t walked around with a boner this often since I first started jerking off and discovered the joy of orgasms. I wanted him to fuck me so bad, still do. I’m vers and love both giving and receiving, but the thought of taking Taylor’s cock makes my whole body come alive. Like, I swear, it alters my brain chemistry, turning everything up a notch, and for someone like me, who’s typically already running on a higher frequency, it’s a lot. I’m more than a little obsessed with the idea, so I have to constantly remind myself why we can’t.
I should also be focusing on the lecture my professor is giving in my Regional Infrastructures class rather than thinking about Taylor’s dick.
I force myself to pay attention to Prof. Rector, and eventually lose myself in what he’s saying. I really do love this, both the theoretical and the practical aspects. I always have. My dad owns a construction company, one that does a lot of large contracts and big designs. While he’s always been the builder, I’ve always been more interested in design, which is why I’m majoring in architecture. When I was a kid, Mom used to buy me every possible kind of Lego, robotics kits, and these little gear things where I could build just about anything. I was always creating something, then taking it apart to build something new. When I got older, I would draw out my plans and then construct them—houses, skyscrapers, whatever I could think of. It’s always been a natural thing that keeps my brain engaged.
After class, my last of the day, I’m halfway through the quad when my phone rings.Dadflashes across the screen, the photo of me, him, and Mom when I was a kid making me smile. It’s one of my favorite photos of us. We’re at the beach, and we look over the moon… Dad looks so happy, and I remind myself that Nicole makes him feel like that again.
“Hey, old man,” I tease.
“You’re only as young as you feel, kiddo.”
I grin at thekiddo. “So that makes you eighty?”
“Hey now. Maybe a year ago, but not anymore. I’m living my life, remember? We went on a cruise, and Nic and I are already planning our European honeymoon.”
Emotions fucking suck. It’s so hard to feel a sting of pain while simultaneously being happy as hell for someone. I don’t get how it’s often so easy to feel more than one emotion. “Europe, huh?” He’s always wanted to go. I tried to talk him into taking a trip when I left for college, but he never did.
“Yeah. She’s never been either. It’ll be an adventure. That’s not why I called, though. I’m in town. I had a single-day conference. I expected it to go longer, but it’s done, so I thought we could meet up for an early dinner before I head home. Do you have time?”
That’s how my dad is. He’s the type who wants to spend time with me every moment he can. I really did get lucky in the father department, unlike Tay. My dad is the kind of person who would always put me first, who has always put me first. That’s why it’s so important to me to put him first now.
“Eh, I can squeeze you into my busy schedule,” I tease. “But only if we go to that Korean BBQ place I like.”
“You say that like there’s anywhere else I would take you to eat.”
We both chuckle, say our goodbyes, and I hop into my truck and drive over to meet him at the restaurant.
Me: Hey…I’m having dinner with my dad…our dad? Too soon? Anyway, he’s in town for the evening. Want me to bring you food?
Tay: Good stepbros always bring their brothers dinner.
Me: Do good stepbros also dick each other down? Because if so, I definitely want to be the best stepbrother there is.
Tay: Now I’m getting a semi at work.
Me: Good. I like you that way.
I add a winky-face emoji, then stuff my phone into my pocket. If I don’t, I’ll spend most of my dinner with my dad sexting with his fiancée’s son.
Dad pulls up beside me as soon as I get out of my truck. It might sound cheesy, but it really feels like he has an extra pep in his step. If I’m honest, I’ll admit it’s something I noticed even before we walked in on him and Nicole. Dad had seemed different, but I just didn’t stop to wonder what that meant.
“What?” he asks as we walk toward the building. “You’re looking at me funny.”
“You just seem happy, is all.”