“About messing around with a hot guy together?”
He glares at me. “No, the other thing that came up a few seconds ago.”
He means our kiss.
I smile. “I’m still curious about this stuff, but despite this one fuckup, we shouldn’t mess around.”
He squints. “We can make an exception, right? We’d technically be messing around with him.”
“Seems like cheating.”
“It’s our agreement, so if we decide this doesn’t count as cheating, then it doesn’t.”
I consider his logic. “I’m not sure if you’re making sense or if I just want to try this so much that I don’t care.”
I do know, though. I want Dax, and I want Brenner, and I have no doubt that if I’m ever gonna experiment with something like this, these are the guys to do it with.
Brenner’s lips twist into that adorable-as-fuck Brenner grin that takes the edge off, but there is one thing that worries me. And I know I have to say it to keep anything from building up in me. “With Mila…I’m kind of weird. Like jealous-weird.”
“Jealous? I knew you’d fall for me the moment I showed you how good my blowjobs are.”
I roll my eyes. “That’s not what I meant. I just…don’t even know why I feel it. Maybe because it was so much fun, and I miss it a little.”
I didn’t think his grin could get much bigger, but it does.
“I’m seriously done stroking your ego now, Bren.”
“Clearly not what you want to be stroking.”
He gets serious. “Just so you know, I’m not Mila’s type.”
“Women who are only into other women.”
“Oh,” I say with a chuckle. Guess I hadn’t considered she might be a lesbian, which immediately makes me feel better about her. But it doesn’t change the fact that I was jealous. “You never mentioned that,” I note.
“Didn’t I?” He shrugs. “Guess I haven’t, but not like I used to go around introducing you as my straight bestie back when…”
“We thought I was straight,” I tease.
He snickers. “Exactly. But hey, back to the horny guy who’s got a boner for us right now, it’s fine if you don’t want us to do anything with him. He’s cool, though. And I think it’d be hot.”
“That’s the thing. I think it’d be hot too.”
Fuck, am I blushing over that?
Brenner, of course, notices. “If we do this, let’s have a safe word.”
“A safe word?”
“Like people have for BDSM. If either of us feels uncomfortable, we use the word, and bail immediately. Full stop.”
His suggestion sets me at ease.
“How about…pterodactyl?” he asks.