“They’re already inside. I was waiting for you,” he flirts, and I freeze, unsure if I’m interrupting something, and honestly, not sure how I feel about it. Then he flicks his gaze my direction. “And it looks like you too. I think tonight could be a whole lotta fun.”
What is goingon?
When Dax invited me to Crave tonight, it seemed like he was into me, but as soon as he saw Brenner, his eyes lit up like he was thinking about what a good time they’d shared the night they hooked up.
A flare of jealousy pulsed through me at first, but then his gaze returned to me, and it was clear his interest in me hadn’t magically disappeared the moment he saw my friend.
We get some drinks in before hitting the dance floor.
Dax is fun. Just lets loose like Bren and finds friends to dance with, and while he’s off with a group, showing off his moves, I guide us over to a corner on the dance floor where I can actually hear Brenner talk. It’s darker over here, not as many people either, so not nearly as loud, allowing me to get to something that’s been on my mind since Brenner and I headed out.
“Are you sure you’re not upset that Mila didn’t come with us?” It’s something I’ve struggled with since I saw them playing together at our place. On the one hand, he didn’t seem interested the way he usually would. On the other, she’s hot as fuck and totally his type.
Brenner eyes me curiously. “It would have been fun if she’d come, but no, I’m not upset. Why would I be?”
I figure I might as well get to the point, so I press, “Did you guys fuck around before I walked in?”
“Huh? No.”
“Because I’d be cool if you did.”
Yeah, fucking right.
“Areyoucool? Because that officially sounded not cool at all.”
“Oh, officially? Was there a committee that agreed?”
“Someone has attitude. Maybe they’re just pissed they can’t have my mouth around their dick anymore.”
“Well, it definitely would be easier if it could take a load for me.”
“Maybe that’s not such a bad idea.”
“We established it would be a bad idea.” And I fucking hate myself for it. As much as I kept telling myself what we were doing wasn’t a big deal, it was so much fun. And a perfect way to let off steam.
“Yeah, true,” Brenner says. “Which is why you already found my replacement.”
I roll my eyes.
“Hey, he’s a good lay. I approve. I can find someone to mess around with while you guys bone.”
I’m curious about Dax.
Hot guy.
Fun personality.
Doesn’t hide that he’s into me.
But that interest isn’t as intense as the good thing I know I can get from Brenner.
“You really should,” he goes on. “You and I only did some stuff, and there’s so much more to explore with a guy.”
I glance at his lips again, regretting that we didn’t even kiss before calling it quits.