Page 26 of The Step Dare

Okay, well, I’m sure she wasn’t, but I was.

He looks at Mila, then at me. “I was at the frat. Dax was there. Everyone is meeting at Crave tonight, so I came home to get ready to go.”

Something’s off about his voice, but I can’t place what it is. Is it because he’s into Dax? I push off the couch. “The Dax-I-fucked Dax?”

His gaze shoots to her again, then back to me. “Is there another Dax?”

“Bet. I’m down. Mila, you wanna go to Crave tonight?” It’s the local gay bar we all hang out at.

She stands and walks over to us. “Hi. I’m Mila. I’ve heard a lot about you. It’s nice to finally meet you.” She holds out her hand for Taylor.

“Oops. My bad. Tay, this is Mila. Mila, Taylor.”

He shakes her hand and offers a quiet, “Nice to meet you.”

“Now that we have that out of the way,” Mila says, looking at me, “you just invited us to Taylor’s night out. Maybe he wants to be alone with this Dax guy.”

Um…huh? I frown. “Why would he want to do that?” As soon as I ask, I realize she’s right. This very well could be a sex thing, and I could be the biggest idiot on the planet. I turn to Taylor. “Do you want to be alone with Dax?”

“I don’t want to be alone with Dax. Do you want to be alone with Mila?”

“No. Why would I want to be alone with Mila?” I scratch my head.

“Oh my God,” she says.

“What?” we ask in unison.

“Nothing. You two are just…you know what? Never mind. Sure, I’ll go with you guys to Crave.”

“Hell yes.” I give her a one-armed hug.

“I’ll go change.” Taylor walks down the hall to his bedroom.

As soon as the door closes, I pump my brows at her. “You missed your curvy girl at the coffeehouse, but we just might get you laid tonight after all.”

“Taylor’s cute.”

“No shit. He’s hot. And keep your hands off. You only like women, remember?” Not that it matters if Taylor hooks up with her or anyone else, so really, I have no idea why I said that.

“I remember.”

“Why are you smiling?”

“No reason.”

Girls are so weird. I’ll never understand them. “I’m gonna go change too. Do we need to stop by your place, or are you good?”

“I’m good.”

She takes a seat again and gets on her phone while I head to my room. My clothes are all thrown into bags instead of neatly folded like Taylor’s, so hopefully I can find something that’s not too wrinkled. Luckily, at least my bed is in the proper place and my nightstand placed beside it. Taylor is more orderly than me, so I don’t want to leave things too messy for him.

I find a pair of black jeans and a black button-up shirt, grab some underwear, and head into the bathroom. I do a quick job of cleaning up, get dressed, wet my hair, and run my fingers through it a few times before I go back into the living room. Mila is waiting for me, but Taylor isn’t out yet.



A second later he comes out in a tank and pair of jeans I always thought look really great on his ass. He runs his hand through his lengthy bangs, and they fall right into place, as though they only needed that extra stroke to curl just right. “You look hot.” I peek at Mila, but she’s busy with her phone, so I grab his shoulders and lower my voice. “Think you’re gonna…” I let the words hang, figuring he knows what I’m trying to say.