That guy who commented on my erection steps away from a group of guys he’s chatting with and comes over. “Pot?” he asks.
“The legal shit.”
“Eh, I’ll take what I can get.” He settles on the porch beside me. “Unless you don’t want to catch my cooties.”
“More concerned about viruses, actually,” I joke, passing it to him, and he takes a hit.
“They say vaping’s bad for you.”
“And alcohol’s what? Best friend to the liver?”
He laughs, showing off a gorgeous smile. “Guess not.”
In the past, I wouldn’t have given his pretty smile that much thought. I’ve noticed attractive guys before Brenner and I started doing stuff, but now, it brings to mind this thing we were exploring. The questions that linger.
“I quit vaping for a bit,” I confess, “but started again after a cruise over the summer. And I figured I’d treat myself to it today, you know?”
Because apparently not having Brenner’s mouth on my cock means I need something in mine.
Gorgeous Smile Guy winces.
It reminds me of the way Brenner was when we first started talking. I’m not chatty and definitely don’t wear my heart on my sleeve, but Brenner picked up on it, asked questions,probed where most people would have accepted my curt, basic responses.
It’s weird having this guy look at me like this, as though he’s picking up something from my awkward shifts and twitches.
“You seem like a lot of fun,” he finally says.
My expression twists up.
“What?” he asks. “You don’t hear that a lot?”
I shake my head.
I know I’m not a big talker, but this is ridiculous, even for me.
“I have a kind of superpower,” he goes on. “Like a sixth sense about people.”
“Think you’ve had a little too much of that,” I tease, taking my vape from him.
He chuckles. “See, I knew right away you’d be funny.”
His gaze shifts to my crotch, then meets mine, and suddenly I’m not looking into his eyes, but at his mouth, like my body’s curious if that mouth could do for me what Bren’s did. I lick my lips, and he grins.
“What?” I ask.
“That was it.” He spins on his ass and lies back, resting his head in my lap.
That’s bold.
Who the hell is this guy?
“What are we talking about?” I ask.
“My superpower,” he says, flashing those pearly whites.
My cheeks warm because it’s clear he gets what’s going on with me in a way only Bren has picked up on.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable,” he says.