Page 1 of The Step Dare



Late spring

fUcKboi4lifE: Show me your dick.

The message came through a little while ago. It’s from this guy I’ve been talking to on a hookup app. We haven’t met up yet because every time we try, something goes wrong. All we want is to have sex, yet the universe keeps cock-blocking us.

Me: Can’t. I’m at work for another hour. Meet afterward?

fUcKboi4lifE: Will be busy. Maybe next time.

Well, shit. That sucks. Not that I care too much about meeting up with him specifically, but I would, in fact, like to get laid. It happens to be one of my favorite pastimes—that along with video games and drinking too much coffee when I already have more energy than should belong in one body. I’m basically a storm of chaos, but most of the time I feel like I do a good enough job hiding it.

I shove my phone into my pocket just as a customer comes to the counter. “Hello. What can I get you today?” I ask the woman. She’s gorgeous, with thick, black curls and pretty brown skin. She’s probably about my age—early twenties—and considering the Feral Fox Café is close to Peach State University, I wonder if she’s a student too. I haven’t seen her around campus.

“A twenty-ounce iced caramel latte with an extra shot.” She gives me a smile that shoots right to my balls. I’m not real religious, but sometimes the Lord taketh away my first hookup opportunity, only to giveth something else. Or wait. Maybe it’sthe other way around and he gives and takes away. Whatever. It doesn’t matter anyway.

“My favorite,” I tell her, and I’m not even making that up. It’s what I always order. “I wonder what else we have in common,” I flirt while ringing her up.

“You’re good,” she confirms.

“I’ve been practicing a while.”

“The thing is…I only like girls. I give you an A for effort, though.”

I laugh because, of course, that’s just my luck today—a beautiful woman and she happens to be a lesbian. “One of those days.”

“Eh, you’re cute. I’m sure you’ll meet someone else.” Her eyes shoot to my name tag. “Brenner. I’m Mila, by the way.”

“Nice to meet you.” And really, it is. It’s not all about sex with me, and I’m the type of person who’s never met a stranger. Scratch that. I like to talk to any and everyone, but I let in very few people, if at all, so I’m not sure the analogy works.

I finish making her coffee and hand it over.

“Maybe I’ll see you again sometime, Brenner. I’m transferring to Peach State next year.”

There’s only a couple of weeks left in this school year, so I say, “I won’t be working during the summer, but I’m down if you wanna share your snap.” I always head back home to stay with Dad over the summer.

We exchange info, and then Mila heads out. I’m sure she wants to get to know a friend or two on campus, which I totally understand.

Since we’re slow, I make myself a caramel latte too. Frank, the owner, doesn’t mind if we have free drinks while on shift. I suck it down quickly and start wiping off machines, counters, checking inventory—anything to keep myself busy until it’s time to clock out.

Just when my shift is about to end, the door opens, and I look up, expecting to see another customer, but it’s my best friend, Taylor. We went to the same high school, and then we both ended up choosing Peach State. We spent our teenage years bonding over video games and…well, honestly, Tay and I don’t have a whole lot in common. He’s straight, I’m bi. He’s quieter than me—most of the time, I can’t shut up. But we work.

“Hey, Tay. What’s up?” I take off my apron and hang it up.

“You out of here?” Jess, one of the other employees, asks.

“Yep. See you later.” I tell her goodbye, then clock out on my phone and meet Taylor on the other side of the counter.

Taylor’s in one of his signature tank tops, showing off his lean but naturally defined arms. He runs his fingers through his dirty-blond bangs, a vacant look in his eyes as he reads something on his phone. I’m not even sure he’s noticed me or realizes I spoke to him until he says, “I’m bored. I messaged Atlas to see what he’s up to, but he’s busy with Troy.” Atlas is our other good friend. He started dating his stepbrother a while back and spends most of his spare time with him now. “Then I thought I would see what Ash and Colin are up to, but they’re doing one of their semi-public sex things. Their bedroom door was open, and they weren’t exactly quiet.”

Colin and Ash are yet another set of stepbrothers who have recently started dating. Clearly, there’s something in the water. The only reason I feel safe from accidentally catching a relationship is the fact that I have zero stepsiblings. Dad hasn’t even dated since my mom passed away ten years ago. Losing her was hard on both of us, and I don’t think either of us knows how to put our heart out there.

“Nice that I’m your last resort, and do you think there’s still time to watch Colin and Ash if we head right over?” I tease Taylor.

He doesn’t so much as flinch, just shakes his head, as if he doesn’t expect anything different from me.