I’m sure Cabrina ordered our food from a reputable place, and this isn’t on her in any way. Dealing with celiac disease means that even “gluten-free” food, when ordered from a restaurant or prepared in a shared kitchen, can still have traces of gluten, often without them even realizing it. I’ll just make sure to bring our own food next time to stay on the safe side.

I stand up, offering my arm to Harrison, doing my best to keep him steady as he struggles to stand. “Lean on me. I’ve got you.”

“This isn’t how I wanted our night to go,” he mutters as we slowly make our way to the exit.

“I know, hotshot, but we’ll get through this together,” I promise.

The hospital in Aspen Grove is a modest building, nestled on the edge of town. Its exterior is well-maintained, and thankfully the waiting area was nearly empty when we arrived, and they were able to take Harrison back to a treatment room right away.

The doctor that confirmed Harrison was having a severe reaction to gluten. He’s been given an IV to administer fluids and a dose of medicine to ease his stomach pain. I’m seated at his bedside, running my fingers through his hair while we wait for him to start feeling better.

Seeing him like this brings a startling clarity about how much he means to me. The pranks, the anger and lingering resentment seem so trivial now, especially with Harrison sick, and the thought of how much worse it could have been.

“Harrison?” Johanna’s frantic voice echoes down the hall.

He cracks open an eye and glances at me. “Dammit, who the hell called my mom.”

“The nurse mentioned earlier that your mom was listed as your emergency contact.”

“Of course she is,” he grumbles. “She must have had it changed from Dylan to her.”

From what I’ve observed, it doesn’t seem like it would be too difficult for her to get added. The doctor said he lives just down the street from the Staffords and shares a beer with Mike at the local bar every week. One of the nurses mentioned that Johanna volunteers at the hospital twice a week and is well-liked by the staff.

Before I have a chance to move from the bed, the curtain is pulled back and Johanna rushes into the room, her eyes frantic.

“There you are. I was worried sick. Why didn’t you tell us you were in town? I nearly had a panic—” She pauses when she notices me sitting on the bed next to her son.

I remove my hand from his head, folding my hands in my lap.

“Fallon, darling, I’m so glad you’re here.” She comes over to my side of the bed and wraps me in a hug. “I would’ve loved to have you over for dinner tonight.”

“Dear, give the girl some room to breathe,” Mike says when he steps inside the room.

She laughs softly and reluctantly pulls back. “Sorry, I’m just so excited you’re here.”

“We can tell,” Harrison mutters.

“Don’t worry, sweetheart, you’re next.” She rushes over to his side of the bed and draws him into a bear hug. “I was so worried when I got the call that you were here. You were supposed to be at a movie. What happened?”

Harrison runs a hand across his face. “How did you know we were in Aspen Grove?”

She shrugs. “I’m your mother, it’s my job to know where my children are.”

He glances over at his dad. “Make her stop.”

Mike chuckles. “We both know there’s only one way to make that happen.”

“I’m working on it,” Harrison answers cryptically.

I swallow a lump in my throat, wishing we were alone so I could ask him what he means.

“Mom, you could have just called. It was only a mild reaction I’m fine,” Harrison insists. “There’s no need to blow it out of proportion.”

I arch a brow, folding my arms across my chest. “She’s not overreacting. You had a severe reaction, and it could have been a lot worse if we hadn’t gotten here when we did.”

Johanna gives a theatrical sigh. “She’s a keeper,” she declares to Harrison.

He wraps his hand around mine, kissing the knuckles. “I know.”