I watch in awe as he shifts his weight, carving arcs across the smooth surface, his skates barely make a sound as they cut intothe ice. With one swift motion, he lines up and shoots, sending the puck straight into the net with a clean shot.
It strikes me that I’ve never seen this side of him before—carefree, unburdened, content. This must be his escape, where the outside world fades away, and he’s free to pretend he’s still the rookie for the Huskies, chasing his dreams.
I’m contemplating what to do next when I notice a shelf stacked with skates in the corner. Before I can talk myself out of it, I grab a pair that look about my size and sit on the ground to put them on. They’re a half-size too big, but I force the laces tight, hoping that’ll hold them in place.
I slowly rise to my feet, pushing past the nerves, and ignoring the fact that I’ve only skated a handful of times. I’m not missing the chance to talk to Harrison without disruption.
Like a newborn calf learning to stand, I inch toward the edge of the rink, my knees trembling with each step. When I finally plant one skate on the ice, I cling to the boards, afraid of losing my balance.
“Fallon?” Harrison shouts across the rink. “What are you doing out here? Can you even skate?”
“I’ll manage,” I call out.
I stand tall as if I’ve done this a thousand times, even though my legs feel like jelly.
He glides toward me like it’s the easiest thing in the world. “What were you thinking, coming out here by yourself? You could get hurt.”
“I’m fine. I just need a chance to get used to it.” I exhale sharply, holding out both my hands to try and stay balanced. “We need to talk, and this is as good a place as any.”
He comes to a stop in front of me, setting his hockey stick against the boards so his hands are free. “And it couldn’t wait until we were both on solid ground?”
Before I can answer, I start to teeter. Harrison encircles my waist with one hand, anchoring me in place.
“I can’t think with you this close,” I murmur.
He tightens his grip, laughter rumbling in his chest. “This better?” he taunts.
I huff. “You’re insufferable, you know that?”
The air is icy, but the warmth from his body leaves me flushed, and my skin tingles, torn between desire and defiance.
Fueled by frustration, I push off him, convinced that if I create space between us, I can regain control of the situation before I’m consumed by the attraction I’m trying so hard to ignore.
Harrison’s childish behavior makes it easier to stay composed, but it doesn’t stop my heart from practically pounding out of my chest.
I turn and pick up speed to create more distance, and just when I think I’m finally getting the hang of this whole skating thing, the tip of my skate snags on the ice, sending me flailing, arms windmilling to try and stay balanced.
“Fallon,” Harrison shouts behind me.
My eyes are wide with panic as I fall backward, Harrison catching me in his arms as we are sent sprawling onto the unforgiving ice. The impact knocks the wind out of us both, and Harrison lets out a low grunt.
“Oh no,” I exclaim, my body crashing into his as I land on top of him with a hard thump.
“Fallon, are you alright?”
Genuine concern is evident in his voice as he shifts me in his arms to face him and props himself on an elbow. His touch is frantic as he gives me a once-over, his face etched with fear as he scans for any signs of injury.
“Does anything hurt?”
“I’m fine,” I say softly. “I had you to break the fall.”
He chuckles as he brushes my hair from my face. “Leave it to you to still make a jab after I saved your life.”
I arch a brow in challenge. “That’s a bit of a stretch, don’t you think?”
“Can’t be too careful where you’re concerned.”
“Why is that?” I ask, curiosity getting the best of me.