“It’s fine.” I do my best to sound unaffected as I dismiss it with a shrug.
Fallon turns to glance at the clock above the stove. “Dinner should be ready in an hour. I’m making meatloaf, and I’ll whip up a salad and potatoes to go with it once I’ve prepared something for Cat.”
I pinch the bridge of my nose. “You’ve been feeding the little terror gourmet meals?”
She nods. “I wouldn’t skimp on his food or he’ll revolt. Mealtime and horror movies are the only things we’ve managed to bond over.”
I hold out my hand. “What do you mean you’ve bonded over scary movies?”
“Cat loves them. He meows uncontrollably when I have to press pause or when they end,” Fallon says, like she’s talking about a friend, not a mischievous creature with fur.
“I’m going to regret letting him stay, aren’t I?”
Fallon grins, patting my chest. “Probably.”
The next morning, I’m back in the kitchen, and I realize how much I missed it. I catered a few events while Harrison was away, but it’s far more satisfying cooking meals for clients every day and having a steady routine. For breakfast, I’m making a gluten-free quiche with caramelized onions, mushrooms, spinach, shredded cheddar cheese, eggs, and cream.
Harrison mentioned that he liked it, and figured it would be a nice gesture to make it for him as a thank-you for letting Cat stay. An unexpected warmth fills my chest at the fact that he agreed. Part of me figured he might grab the little guy by the scruff and boot him to the curb in retaliation for me bedazzling his hockey stick. But instead, he handled it with more patience than I expected.
Maybe the carefree and thoughtful man I met all those years ago is still under that hard exterior.
I put Cat in the bathroom with his bed and toys, wary of letting him roam free. Not only would he try to sabotage breakfast, but he’d probably create another mess, and I’d prefer to keep the peace between Harrison and me. I’ll make it up to Cat with a turkey and green bean medley when Harrison leaves for work. Plus, the bathroom is nearly as big as my bedroom, so he has plenty of space to explore, and undoubtedly, cause more chaos.
All bets are off if Cat goes on a rampage and ruins anything else in the penthouse, like another piece of furniture or scuffingHarrison’s shoes. So, I’ll do my best to prevent any other mishaps.
Once I’ve plated the breakfast bowl, fresh fruit, and coffee, I carry the tray into the dining room, stopping short when I find Harrison at the table, reading the newspaper with his reading glasses on. The sight of him wearing them will be permanently etched in my mind, and it’s totally unfair how good he can make something look that’s so ordinary.
I avert my gaze, checking the clock to confirm I’m not late. “Were you waiting on me?”
Harrison folds the newspaper and sets it aside. “No, I just wanted to get a jump on the day after being out of town for so long.”
I nod, setting the tray in front of him.
He stares at the quiche as if it might bite him first. “Why did you make this today?”
I frown, shuffling from side to side. “Because you said you liked it.”
Harrison furrows his brow. “That’s the only reason?”
I guess we’ve pulled one too many pranks if he’s this skeptical of me being nice. Then again, given how we’ve butted heads since I arrived, I suppose I can’t fault him.
“Yes. I swear.” I cross my heart with my finger. “I was hoping we might call a truce, at least for now.”
Harrison leans forward in his seat, eyeing me warily. “Why? Afraid I’m plotting payback for my bedazzled hockey stick?”
I shake my head. “No.”
Okay, maybe a little.
Harrison digs into the quiche, briefly closing his eyes as he savors the first bite. “This is even better than I remember,” he remarks.
“I’m glad you like it,” I say. Wanting to let him eat in peace, I slowly move toward the kitchen. “Have a good day, Harrison.”
“You too, trouble.”
I turn away from him, concealing the small smirk on my lips, secretly enjoying the fact that he gave me a nickname.
Harrison: I won’t be home until late, so don’t worry about dinner.