Fallon jumps, letting out a startled shriek as she spins around to face me. “Don’t sneak up on me like that,” she huffs.
“I’ll be sure to make a formal announcement next time,” I reply flatly.
She rolls her eyes. “Funny, for someone who keeps on insisting on space, you sure seem to be in my kitchen a lot.”
I scoff. “Yourkitchen? Didn’t realize I needed a permission slip to walk freely in my own apartment.” I take a step toward her, lowering my voice. “Maybe you should worry more about staying out of my bedroom. Didn’t I say it was off-limits?”
She taps her chin thoughtfully. “Hmm, now that you mentioned it, I guess you did. It must’ve slipped my mind.” She shrugs.
Why this little troublemaker.
“And you thought it was a good idea to ignore my request?”
“To be fair, I was looking for the thermostat earlier because my hands were freezing. Luckily, I found it hidden behind the floral painting in the hallway,” she explains with a sly smile. “I was browsing the settings when I found a ‘usage’ option. It turns outsomeonehas been manually turning the heat down since the day after I arrived. Any idea how that happened?” There’s an accusing note in her tone.
“No idea.” I shrug, biting the inside of my cheek to refrain from smirking. “That still doesn’t explain how all those frilly pillows ended up on my bed,” I reply, steering the conversation away from her earlier question.
She closes the remaining distance between us, her chest flush with mine, her fierce gaze unrelenting. “While I was searching for the thermostat, I walked into your room since the door wasopen. I couldn’t help but notice how bare it was, and in my cold haze, I remembered how much you loved the ones in the living room and must’ve gone overboard and ordered a bunch for your bed. Guess that’s what happens when the temperature drops. Whoever messed with the thermostat should remember that next time they try to freeze me out.”
“You enjoy testing my limits, don’t you?” My voice drops.
“A harmless prank gets under your skin that easily, Harrison?” she taunts.
I suppress a chuckle. “If that’s what you call a prank, you’re in serious need of a crash course in execution.”
“Think you can do better, hotshot?”
“I know I can.”
“Do your worst.” She grins.
Little does she know that my brothers and I were pranksters when we were teenagers. She’s up against an expert, but who am I to spoil the surprise? Let her think she has the upper hand for now.
I’m feeling pretty smug until I realize Fallon is staring at my bare chest, her mouth slightly open. When I look down, I remember that I came in here wearing nothing but a pair of gray sweatpants.
I’m ready for Fallon to make a snarky comment when I see that her cheeks are flushed, and she’s studying me with those brilliant blue eyes. I can’t help but wonder if she’s thinking about that night we spent together ten years ago when she ran her nails across my abs as I kissed her senseless.
My lips curve into a sardonic smile. Even with annoyance simmering beneath the surface, there’s a thrill from knowing that she’s enjoying the view.
“Taking a second look at what you missed out on?” I ask with a hint of amusement.
She turns her focus to my face, her eyes growing dark. “God, no. I was just thinking about how I dodged a bullet. You’re not nearly as impressive as you think,” she deadpans.
I take several steps forward so I’m standing next to her.
“You’re right. I’m nottryingto impress you. It just comes naturally.” I smirk.
Riling her up is quickly becoming my favorite pastime. She’s the one who walked into the lion’s den without a hint of self-preservation.
Fallon shakes her head. “You’re so full of yourself.”
I lean in closer. “We both know I can back it up,” I whisper, my breath brushing her ear.
Her breath catches as she watches me closely, as if trying to anticipate my next move.
Her reaction speaks volumes.
An intrusive thought flashes through my mind of what it might be like to kiss her again. I can almost taste her, the way her breath would mingle with mine, her velvet lips molded against mine as she melts into me, pressing herself closer.