“We haven’t defined our relationship. What if I pass on the closest opportunity I’ll have to achieve my dream, and it turns out to be the wrong choice?”
“That’s one way to look at it,” Walter says, his mouth curling into a grin. “My Pearl used to say that every ending is just the beginning of a new adventure. What seems like a dead end is the first step on a new path you haven’t discovered yet.”
“Pearl was very wise.”
He laughs softly. “Yes, she was. Have I told you how we met?”
I shake my head.
“I wanted to be a doctor, but I wasn’t accepted to medical school. The rejection stung, especially since my parents were disappointed. It felt like there was no path forward, and I was so upset I almost said no when my friend asked me to go with him to New York for the weekend. We rode the subway to Central Park, and a woman sitting across from us caught my attention. She had hazel eyes and wore a yellow dress with a lace collar. I noticed she was readingOliver Twist, one of my favorites, but I was shy and didn’t have the courage to talk to her before she got off the train. I pushed it aside until the next day when we stopped at a coffee shop, and there she was, standing behind the counter. Pearl and I got married three months later and made a home in New York.”
“Oh, Walter, that’s such a sweet story,” I say, resting my hand over my heart. “I wish I could have met her.”
He gives me a fond smile, patting my arm. “She would have loved you, and I’m sure she’d have far better advice. All I know is that sometimes you have to take a risk, or you’ll regret not trying.”
The elevator chime has us both glancing up as a businessman in a pinstriped suit steps out, phone pressed to his ear and a briefcase in hand. A woman trails behind him, leading a Yorkie on a leash.
“Looks like the morning rush is about to start,” Walter says. “Promise you’ll think about what I said?”
I give him a parting smile. “I will. I’m heading upstairs to talk to Harrison now.”
“Good, I’m glad.”
He adjusts his tie and hurries to open the door for the residents leaving the building.
On my way up to the penthouse, I reflect on how much has changed between Harrison and me. We started as adversaries, both driven by personal vendettas, and now we’ve become the most important person in each other’s lives.
It’s made me realize that if I want this to work between us, I need to be open and willing to share my fears and dreams. He’s shown that he cares and wants to support my ambitions—and now I just have to take a chance and tell him how I feel.
When I enter the penthouse, a shrill fire alarm pierces the air. I race toward the kitchen, quickly scanning the room, first landing on Cat sprawled in his bed, unfazed by the chaos. He mustbe desensitized from all the scary movies that we’ve watched. Maybe it’s time to introduce him to cartoons.
A loud clatter draws my attention to Harrison standing by the stove. He’s holding a smoking skillet with one hand, and moves fast, dropping it into the sink with a thud and turns on the cold water, sending a hiss of steam into the air. He lets the sink fill halfway before turning it off, exhaling sharply under his breath as he hops onto the counter to disable the smoke detector on the ceiling.
“Fuck, that thing is annoying,” he mutters when there’s finally silence.
I walk toward him, thoroughly entertained. “Are youtryingto burn down my kitchen?”
Harrison snaps his head in my direction, his eyes widening when he sees me. “I got off my call early and wanted to make you breakfast, but clearly, I’m hopeless in the kitchen. I can’t even cook eggs without burning them.” He jumps down from the counter, closing the space between us, and wraps me in a hug.
“Good thing you have me or you might starve,” I joke.
“I’m definitely lucky.” He smiles, pushing my hair back to give me a quick kiss.
His hands always seem to find me when we’re close, and I can’t get enough. “I’ll make breakfast if you keep me company,” I say, kissing him again.
Harrison rubs the back of his neck, a light frown creasing his forehead as he meets my gaze. “That sounds great, but could we talk first? There’s something I want to tell you, and it can’t wait.”
A flood of possibilities crosses my mind, and while I’m anxious, this is my opportunity to address Theo’s job offer and finally be upfront about my feelings, no matter where that might lead us.
“Yeah, I’d really like that,” I say, shifting my weight from one foot to the other. “There’s something I’ve been meaning to tell you, too.”
A brief flash of worry crosses Harrison’s face before he schools his expression. “Let’s sit down, and you can share what’s on your mind.”
I nod, accepting his outstretched hand as he guides me into the living room. I appreciate him suggesting I go first. I’ve kept this all bottled up inside, and I’m afraid I might burst if I don’t get it out soon. We settle next to each other on the couch, and I cross my legs, resting one knee against Harrison’s thigh.
“Ladies first. What is it you wanted to tell me?” he asks, taking my hand in his, holding it tight.
I exhale deeply, gathering my courage. “Theo, my old boss, called yesterday and told me he’s opening an allergy-friendly restaurant in London.”