I watch with bated breath as he tinkers with the settings, pushing several buttons until the device starts to vibrate. Helooks at me with a grin spreading across his face, and I duck my head to hide the heat rising in my cheeks.
“Hmm. Seems to work just fine. Why don’t you give it a test drive while I supervise?”
I lift my head, eyes wide. “What?” I’m convinced I heard him wrong.
“Stop overthinking, and let me make you feel good, trouble,” he says softly. “Get on the bed, and you’ll see what I mean.”
The stillness hangs in the air as Harrison turns off the vibrator and gives it to me, the silence thick with anticipation. His eyes, dark with desire, leave no doubt that this is my decision to make. I could walk away if I wanted to, but why would I? Not when he’s offering me the release, I’ve wanted all night.
I inhale deeply, and with my vibrator in hand, I crawl to the middle of the bed and lie on my back, the mattress molding to my body. I glance over to find Harrison’s heated gaze on me as I take off my bra, flinging it to the ground, then shimmy out of my underwear, tossing them in his direction. He easily catches the panties, a frantic beat pulsing through me when he lifts them to his nose and inhales deeply.
Oh my god.
“Take the vibrator and slip the tip into your pussy,” he orders, my lacy underwear still gripped in his hand. “Unless you’re not up to the challenge,” he taunts.
I shoot him a glare. Part of me wants to protest out of principle, but a bigger part craves the pleasure I know he’s capable of offering, thrilled by the thought of him watching me.
Anticipation crackles in the air as I push the vibrator inside me, groaning at the welcome intrusion. I’m already soaked from fantasizing about Harrison’s thick cock behind that towel. The sensation feels incredible, given my heightened state.
“Don’t put it in any farther,” Harrison warns, chuckling when a groan passes my lips.
“Is this another way to torment me?” I mutter.
I wouldn’t put it past him to try and deprive me of an orgasm.
He leans over the bed, pressing a chaste kiss to my mouth. “Turn the vibrator on, and you’ll find out,” he says with a small smirk. “But only use shallow strokes, and don’t go near your clit.”
I narrow my eyes as he pulls back, making it clear it’s my move.
There’s no chance I’m giving him the upper hand, especially not when an orgasm is on the line.
I exhale sharply, shoving all doubts to the back of my mind, and focus solely on the gratification he’s promised. A soft hum buzzes through the air when I turn the device on. The pulse courses through me, and I moan softly as the vibrations tease my entrance.
“With your free hand, tease your nipples,” Harrison orders.
A jolt of pleasure shoots through me at his command, and I don’t hesitate to grab my left breast, cupping it tightly before flicking the nipple like he ordered. His heated gaze is locked on me, watching my every move from his spot by the bed.
“Pinch your nipple hard,” he demands.
I squeeze it firmly between my fingers, my mouth parting open in a surprised gasp.
“Now push the vibrator in and out deeper, but go slow.”
I move the device in a steady motion, my mind wandering to an image of Harrison using his skilled tongue, licking me as he coaxes pleasure from my body. His fingers pressed into the tender flesh of my thighs. I pick up my pace, desperate for more friction, letting out a groan.
“Slower,” Harrison scolds gently.
I tilt my head toward him, frowning. “I hate you.”
He chuckles. “Doesn’t sound like you hate me.”
My eyes widen when he drops his towel, revealing his thick cock, pre-cum already leaking from the tip.
Maybe I should be self-conscious that I’m spread eagle on the bed with a vibrator shoved in my pussy while my boss, and the man who’s been the bane of my existence, looks on like he can’t get enough.
I’m emboldened, aware that while Harrison may be calling the shots, I have all the power in this situation. Especially when I look over to find him wrapping the lace panties around his shaft and stroking it in slow, steady pumps. He lets out a sharp hiss as he rubs the lace against his skin, sending a shock of arousal through my veins as I watch.
“Okay, so hate might be a strong word,” I say on a gasp. “But you are infuriating.”