Cat protested Harrison’s efforts to clean up the mess in the dining room. However, after bribing the troublemaker with a dish of chicken and rice, the deviant feline retreated to his bed in the kitchen, making it possible for Harrison to work without disruption. Apparently, wreaking havoc really takes it out of Cat because he never causes a disturbance at night.

Harrison’s presence is all-consuming, his gentle touches and unexpected chivalry leaving me flustered, leaving me hot and bothered. When I finally retreat to my bedroom, I’m eager for a release.

I’m ready for a long shower, and after closing my bedroom door, I strip down to my bra and panties, tossing my shirt and jeans in the hamper. I stop at my nightstand to retrieve my trusty black rabbit vibrator. I haven’t used it since I moved in, which explains why I’m so desperate for a release. I’m wound like a spring and just need to relieve the tension so I can sleep.

With Harrison on the other side of the apartment, he won’t ever know. Not if I’m in the shower, the water drowning out any sound.

I’m stunned speechless when I pull my vibrator out to find the handle has been bedazzled in the same pink and blue gemstones that I used for the hockey stick.


Oh my god.

He touched my vibrator, and I hate that I’m more turned on by it than anything. Still, he has some explaining to do.

All rational thought goes out the window, and I storm out of my bedroom, vibrator in hand, and march down the hall to find Harrison.

I storm past the empty living room and Harrison’s office, entering the primary bedroom without knocking, and coming to a sudden halt when I see him standing near the bed. The only thing he’s wearing is a towel wrapped around his waist, and his hair is damp like he just got out of the shower.

Seems like we had the same idea.

“Ever heard of knocking?” He scowls, using a second towel to dry his hair before tossing it over the closet door to dry.

“Why should I respect your boundaries when you haven’t done the same for me?” I challenge, holding out my bedazzled vibrator.

He steps closer, scrutinizing it like it’s an object he’s never seen before. “That looks like a vibrator, but personally I’ve never used one, so I could be wrong,” he says, his tone smug.

I raise a brow. “Are you implying it bedazzled itself?”

“Could be.” He shrugs. “Or maybe you have a habit of leaving your nightstand drawer open, and someone spotted it while looking around for prank inspiration.”

I blow out a breath, attempting to keep my attention on his face, but his bare chest makes it nearly impossible. Severaldroplets of water cling to his chest, running along his abs, past his V-line.

“My eyes are up here,” Harrison taunts, tilting my chin to meet his gaze.

“I’m just wondering where the rest of your clothes are,” I retort.

He snorts. “I could ask you the same question, trouble.”

I purse my lips, glancing down at myself. My eyes widen when it dawns on me that I’m standing here in just my bra and underwear. I was in such a hurry to confront him that I forgot to put my clothes back on.

I fold my arms across my chest and square my shoulders. “If you’re not ashamed of walking around practically naked, why should I be?”

His eyes trace over me, from head to toe, before settling on my face, his voice low and deliberate when he says, “You shouldn’t be. You’re beautiful.”

I squint my eyes. “Has that line worked for you in the past?”

“You tell me. You’re the only one I’ve ever tried it on.”

“I find that hard to believe.” The slight tremor in my voice betrays me.

“I’m many things, but a liar isn’t one of them. So, I mean it when I say, you’re fucking gorgeous.” My nipples harden at his words and smoldering stare. “Looks like only the handle has been bedazzled, so I imagine it’s still usable,” Harrison adds, motioning to the device I’m gripping like a lifeline. “Unlike my hockey stick that’s covered from butt end to blade in sparkles.”

“This isnotusable,” I say, holding out my vibrator.

Harrison cocks a brow. “May I?”

He holds out his hand, and I hesitantly give him the device, the warmth of his touch making my breath hitch.