“Where is your event?” Walter asks.
“The Ironblade Arena, for the Mavericks game. If Harrison gets back before I do, tell him I’m on a date, will you?” That’ll get a rise out of him.
He arches a brow. “Do you know where Mr. Stafford is tonight?”
I shake my head. “No.”
“Does he know you’re catering?”
I let out a short laugh. “No, but I doubt he’d care.”
Walter laughs, quick to cover his mouth. “I’m not so sure about that.”
I furrow my brow. “Why do you say that?”
He waves his hand to dismiss me. “Oh, it’s nothing.”
My gaze sharpens. He’s hiding something, but I’m not sure what.
He glances at his watch and ushers me out the door. “You better go, or you’ll be late,” he says, deflecting.
My suspicions that he’s hiding something from me are long forgotten as I pull out my phone to check. “Shoot, you’re right. Looks like it’ll take forty minutes to get there with traffic.Thankfully, the food is already prepped so I don’t have to worry about hauling everything across town.”
He opens the front door for me. “Have fun.” He waves as I dash down the street.
“Thanks, Walter. Wish me luck.”
“You’ll do great.” He winks. “And who knows? The night might hold a surprise or two.”
After a long day at the office, I head to the Mavericks game. I’ve missed the past few while I was away, and tonight seems as good as any to check in with the guys. Being part owner of the team means I enjoy the perks of their success without dealing with the majority of the responsibilities that come with managing the players and staff. I get VIP access to all games, private events, and post-game parties, though I rarely attend anything other than the games themselves unless it’s a fundraiser.
I have an office at the arena and stop by at least one night a week to review financials, meet with management, and review upcoming events. It’s helped me reclaim a piece of what I lost when my hockey career was cut short. While I don’t regret stepping away to work for my dad, it made me realize how deeply the game shaped who I am and how much I still needed hockey in my life, even if in a different capacity.
I yank my tie loose around my neck and recline in the back seat of the car service that’s taking me to the game.
Irritation prickles under my skin at the thought of Fallon on a date. How dare she mention it casually like it wasn’t a big deal. My jaw tightens as I run a hand through my hair. On second thought, it would be better if she was dating. Maybe then I could stop fixating on that smug smile of hers or the desire to draw her close and brush my nose along her neck as she watches me with lust in her eyes. But damn, just picturing another man with hishands on her makes my blood boil, jealousy burning hot through my veins.
Before I can spiral further, my phone buzzes.
Mom Want’s More Grandkids
Mom: Harrison, are you okay? You haven’t checked in.
Mom: We miss you.
Presley: I’m changing my vote to Harrison for Mom’s favorite kid.
Cash: Me too. What the heck, Mom? He’s the one who left early.
Harrison: For the record, she practically shoved me out the door on my way out.
Mom: Yes, you all abandoned me and your father tonight to play games at Dylan’s.
Dylan: We asked you to come.
Mom: Who schedules game night for 8pm? That’s too late.
Cash: Hey I shoveled the driveway this morning. That should earn me a ‘Get out of Jail Free’ card.