Fallon’s breaths come out in quick, uneven bursts, her eyes fixed on mine, mirroring the same confusion as me.
We aren’t supposed to get along or whatever this is between us. Hell, if she could read my mind, she wouldn’t hesitate to slap me for my wandering thoughts. Why does that make meso damn hard? My primal instincts don’t care if I like her or not. They’re consumed with thoughts of her full lips, her long legs secured around me, and my hands gripping her hips with unrestrained possessiveness.
My rational side is quick to remind me that she’s my private chef—the one I’m supposed to despise—and getting too close is a dangerous game, no matter how tempting she may be. There’s also the fact that she’s taken over my apartment, and made it hers. Although, I admit the plants are growing on me since she’s using the herbs in her food, making everything taste even better.
Then I’m reminded of the hurt Fallon caused and how I thought I mattered to her, only for her to prove that wasn’t the case.
I stumble back, visibly shaken, and Fallon releases her hold on my tie.
That was a close call… too close.
A brief flicker of disappointment crosses her face before schooling her expression.
Fallon smooths out her apron, clearing her throat. “How was your trip to Aspen Grove?” she asks.
“Great. It’s always a good time when my family is all in the same place.”
“I’m surprised your parents let you leave early. Sounds like they take the holidays very seriously,” she observes as she grabs a bottled water from the fridge, twists off the cap, and takes a drink.
My mom practically shoved me out the door, but I’ll keep that part to myself—otherwise Fallon will ask why.
“They have the rest of my siblings to fuss over until the New Year. How about you? Did you and Cat have a nice time together?”
I’m asking for trouble by bringing up the topic, but I ignore the guilt rising in my chest in favor of my desperation for aconfrontation to snap me out of this ridiculous attraction and reignite my irritation.
Fallon sets the bottle on the counter, narrowing her eyes at me. “Oh, you meanyourferal cat who hisses whenever I get close?”
“That’s the one,” I answer, biting back a dry laugh.
He’s not mine, but I can’t resist playing along for a little while longer.
“Cat’s living his best life, destroying everything in his path,” Fallon answers smugly, motioning around the kitchen.
I take in my surroundings, including the claw marks on the wooden floor, the shredded curtains hanging in tatters, and one of the barstool cushions that has been reduced to tufts of stuffing littering the floor. I’m shocked I hadn’t noticed sooner, but my focus was entirely on Fallon when I got here.
“Are you going to tell me when you got Cat and explain why you kept him a secret? Please say you didn’t get him solely to mess with me,” Fallon says, folding her arms as she levels me with a suspicious glare. “And did you really have to hide all of his supplies? Not that I minded the shopping spree,” she adds with a smirk.
That explains the five-thousand-dollar charge at Velvet Paw.
“I didn’t get him,” I say, bracing myself for her reaction.
Fallon tilts her head, frowning. “Come again?”
“Cat isn’t—”
I’m interrupted by something running across my shoes. I recoil, my eyes widening when I glance down to find the cat in question racing past us, hopping up onto the counter next to the stove to investigate a batch of muffins Fallon must have baked earlier.
“Cat, stop,” Fallon shouts as she quickly moves to shoo him away.
He ignores her, sniffing the baked goods, nudging a muffin with his nose before tipping it over the edge of the counter onto the floor.
Fallon shoots Cat a sharp look, pointing an accusing finger at him. “You’re even more of a menace than your owner, you little devil.” She spins around to face me. “Do you see what I’ve had to deal with while you’ve been gone? He’s the reason I bedazzled your hockey stick.” I can’t help but laugh, earning a glare from Fallon. “What is so funny?” she bites out.
“I’m sorry, but it’s one thing seeing him misbehave on camera and another in person.” I manage to stifle another laugh as Fallon’s glare deepens.
She shoos Cat off the counter, earning an indignant huff before he hops down and sulks to the other side of the room.
“Why are you surprised? Obviously, you’ve seen him misbehave before. He’s your cat.”