A faint stream of light filters through the covered windows, and I flip on the light switch to give us a better view of the space. The building is in mid-renovation, but we have uninterrupted time to look around with the crew off today. Unfinished walls reveal their wooden frames, sections of the floor remain untiled, and the air carries the lingering scent of sawdust and plaster.

Fallon surveys the room with wide eyes, spinning in a full circle. “What is this place?”

“Your restaurant,” I say, my lips twitching with excitement.

She stops short, turning around to face me. “Mywhat?”

“It might not look like much right now, but it’s yours,” I repeat. “That is if you want it. Stafford Holdings acquired this section of the block last year, and this particular building has been sitting empty ever since. When you first told me about wanting to open your own restaurant, I immediately thought of this spot. It’s in a prime location with the potential for an open floor plan.

Fallon’s brow furrows, her lips pressed together as she processes the news.

I had planned to wait to bring her here until the construction crew got everything up to code. But when she told me about Theo’s offer, I knew I had to show her now so she could weigh all of her options. I meant it when I said I’d support her no matter what she decides, but I’m not above pulling out all the stops to give her every reason to want to stay in New York.

She exhales, shaking her head. “I don’t even know what to say. It’s an incredible gesture, but there’s no way I could ever afford a place like this. I’ll be lucky to get a food truck or pop-up restaurant within the next couple of years. That’s one of the reasons Theo’s offer is so tempting.”

Fallon’s fiercely independent nature is her strength, and she’s built her career from the ground up by sheer determination. So, it’s no surprise that she’d assume she’d have to shoulder this burden alone. Soon enough, she’ll understand that her dreams are mine too, and I’ll be right by her side, even if she hesitates to accept it.

I gently touch her arm, my fingers lightly tracing the outline of her sleeve. “You’re not alone anymore, beautiful. More than anything, I want to be your partner and stand by your side in every aspect of your life, including this one.” I nod to the space around us. “I’m your biggest supporter and advocate, and all I want is for you to be happy and achieve your goals.”

She glances up at me, her eyes filled with uncertainty. “What if things don’t work out between us? I don’t want to be indebted to anyone, not even you.”

“The building is yours, with all related expenses covered for the next five years. It’s been transferred to your name, giving you full control. The construction crew will make sure everything is up to code, but you’ll have the final say on the design and layout.” I draw her closer, her warmth grounding me. “Ishould’ve been more clear earlier. I wanteverythingwith you—to sleep in the same bed every night, wake up beside you in the mornings, and share a life through all the highs and lows. There is no future without you in it, trouble.”

Fallon exhales deeply, her shoulders relaxing. “I want that too. So much.” She gives me a tender smile. “I’ve been so scared that this was all too good to be true, and one day, you’d be gone. This is why I was afraid to let myself get too close, but I’m done letting fear control me. I’m ready to take the leap and give us a real chance.”

God, hearing her say that is music to my ears. Since the truth came out, I was afraid she’d decided there was too much baggage between us and would walk away. Now, those fears have melted away, replaced with the certainty that we’ll face the future together, stronger than ever before.

“I love you, Harrison,” she declares. “You’ve shown me that my heart is safe with you, and that you’ll always be there to catch me when I fall, and that you’ll support me every step of the way as I achieve my dreams.” She pauses, smiling at me with tears in her eyes. “And I want to do the same for you—to stand beside you, no matter what comes our way.”

My heart leaps in my chest as a grin spreads across my face. Her confession settles around me like a warm blanket. I never realized how much it would mean to hear those words until she said them.

With a soft exhale, I place both hands on her face, my palms warm against her skin as I tilt her head slightly. Our foreheads touch as I breathe her in.

“Say it again.”

Tears well in her eyes. “I. Love. You. Hotshot. More than I ever thought possible.”

“That makes me so damn happy to hear because I love you too, trouble,” I murmur against her lips. “No one else makes melaugh or challenges me like you do. You’ve transformed my cold, gray world into a vibrant reality filled with laughter, color, and a love I never saw coming. You’re my past, present, and the only future I want.”

Now I get why my mom was so determined for me and my siblings to find our own happily ever afters. There’s nothing like findingyourperson—the one who sees you at your worst and still chooses you. Fallon has brought balance to my life when everything around me is chaotic. One touch from her, and everything feels right with the world again.

I nuzzle her neck, running my nose along her collarbone. “I love you so damn much, and whatever happens next, we’re in it together.” I lean back, gazing into her piercing blue eyes. “Now tell me, what do you really think of this place?” I nudge gently, hoping to make her feel more at ease with the idea that it belongs to her.

“You’re kidding, right?” She snickers, clearly entertained. “It’s amazing with a blank slate full of potential. The issue is that I’m not sure I’m cut out for a massive project like this by myself. I figured if I was ever able to venture out on my own, I’d start with a small space and grow from there.”

“There’s no doubt in my mind you could handle it.”

“I appreciate your confidence, but my expertise is in the kitchen. What if I can’t manage all the logistics of running a restaurant this size by myself?”

“For starters, you’re so much more than a chef,” I state. “Without your creativity and talent, this place is just an empty space. You’re the one who’ll turn it into a destination for incredible food and memorable experiences. If you need extra hands, you can hire an operations manager. And remember, you’ll never be alone again. I’m here to lend a hand however I can.” I brush a kiss against her forehead. “I may not be an expert in the food service industry, but I know how to create a businessplan and keep it running smoothly. There will be roadblocks, but we’ll figure them out together… if this is what you want. If you’d prefer, we can put the project on hold if you decide to return to work for Theo, or if you want to do this without my help, that’s okay too.”

Fallon brushes a strand of hair from her face as she steps out of my arms, moving across the room, her eyes darting over every detail as she surveys the empty space. She traces her fingers along the outline of a doorframe, her brow furrowed in concentration as if she’s mentally mapping out the possibilities for the place.

I lean against the nearest wall, my heart swelling as I watch her roam, her confidence building with each step. She may doubt her ability to make this a success, but I know she’s capable—a gift for creating mouthwatering dishes that leave people speechless and a rare ability to connect with anyone. I’ve been around enough successful entrepreneurs to know when someone has raw talent, and Fallon has it in spades. If this is the path she chooses, there’s no question she’ll turn this place into a must-visit destination with a waiting list at least a month long.

My family and I will be here, cheering her on every step of the way. She’s now surrounded by people who believe in her and will remind her there is no limit to what she can achieve.

After she takes a tour through the entire space, she approaches me, her face lighting up with a grin.