Occasionally for official business, but more often than not, I spend our time together between her legs.

Every Saturday night, Reese and I go to the tattoo shop. She’s designed several floral tattoos that have become popular with my clients and while I ink them, she helps Mickey and the rest of the staff with other tasks. After we finish up at the shop, Ialways take her to Tuscany Table. The mushroom risotto is now Reese’s favorite. It’s the one day a week we have to ourselves, and can disconnect from the pressures of the firm and our other responsibilities.

Going home together is the best part of the day. Our house smells like coconut and pineapple, there’s usually at least one pair of sneakers left in the hallway and an abundance of throw pillows decorating the bed and couch, thanks to Martha taking Reese shopping whenever she and Colby come into town.

They’re absolutely smitten with Reese, and this year, we’re planning to host Thanksgiving at the brownstone with Grams, Martha, Colby, Christian, and Seren in attendance. We’re hoping to make it a tradition to have everyone we love gathered together to recognize everything we’re grateful for. Since Reese came into my life, it’s become a long list.

Today might not be a holiday, but we have a lot to celebrate.

“Dawson, Reese, what a delightful surprise.” Georgia beams, setting her book aside on the windowsill. “I wasn’t expecting to see you again until tomorrow.”

We visit her at Oak Ridge every week, and never miss bingo night. On Sundays, she spends the day at our place, and Grams likes to brag to Ms. Werther that this past summer she got to work on her tan while lounging by the rooftop pool with Reese and Noah.

“Reese couldn’t wait until tomorrow to share the news,” I say with a smirk.

If she hadn’t been distracted this morning—splayed out on the kitchen counter with my head between her thighs she would have insisted we come sooner. As it is, I couldn’t resist taking the opportunity to enjoy a few moments alone with her.

Georgia’s worried gaze pings between Reese and me. “Is something wrong?”

Reese pulls up a chair next to Grams, offering her a reassuring smile. “There’s no need to worry. It’s all good news, I promise.”

“Well? What is it?” Grams asks, not concealing her impatience as she leans forward in her chair.

Reese pauses a beat to build anticipation, a broad smile lighting her face. “I was accepted into law school,” she announces, practically bouncing in her seat. “I start in the fall.”

“Oh, sweetheart,” Georgia exclaims with tears in her eyes. “That’s the most wonderful news. I’m so proud of you.” She squeezes Reese’s hand. “I wish your mom and grandfather could be here to celebrate.” She wipes away a tear that has slipped down her cheek.

“Me too, Grams,” Reese says somberly. “But I’m so grateful you’re here. None of this would have been possible without you.”

“Hush now,” Grams waves her off. “I can’t wait to hear all about your classes once you start.” When Reese and I remain silent, Georgia casts a glance my way, a flash of confusion on her face. “You saidit’s all good news. Do you have anything else to tell me?”

Reese tilts her head, brushing a piece of hair from her face. “Like what?”

“Oh, nothing. I’m just an old woman wishing that one of these days you’ll have another life-changing announcement to share that involves a diamond ring.”

I purse my lips to keep from smirking.

For the past year, she’s been not so discreetly hinting that Reese and I should get married. The day Reese told her we were officially dating, the first question she asked was, “When’s the wedding.” The woman is relentless. And while she’ll have to wait a while longer for the wedding itself, she might be interested in what Reese has to say next.

“You mean like this diamond?” Reese asks, holding out her left hand.

She’s slipped on the custom engagement ring I gave her this morning. The band is made with a cluster of stones forming petals around a four-carat oval-shaped diamond. It’s as unique as the woman who’s wearing it.

“Oh, I can’t believe it,” Georgia exclaims as he pulls Reese’s hand closer to get a better look. “It’s beautiful.” She leans forward to kiss Reese on the cheek, before doing the same to me. “I love you both so much.”

“We love you too, Grams,” Reese says with a smile.

My thoughts wander back to earlier today when I asked Reese the most important question I’ve ever asked up to this point in my life.

“Dawson, where are you?” Reese shouts from the bedroom.

“I’m in the kitchen,” I holler as I pour a fresh cup of coffee and add a heavy dose of pumpkin spice creamer just the way she likes it.

I hear her footsteps echo down the hall, and a moment later, she bursts through the doorway with a wide grin.

“I did it,” she exclaims. “I got in.”

Reese holds out her phone to show me the acceptance letter. It’s official. She’ll be starting law school in New York City this fall. During the application process, she refused to let me use my connections to put in a good word for her. She wanted to get in on her own merit, and I couldn’t be more proud of her.