“Hmm?” I reply, not fully processing her comment.
She gives me a soft smile, plucking the piece from my hand and fitting it into place on the card table. The replica of VanGogh’sStarry Nightis now more than halfway complete, no thanks to me.
I run my fingers through my hair, glancing out the window. “I’m sorry, I’ve been a little distracted.”
Grams chuckles. “A little? Sweetheart, earlier you put the TV remote in my mini fridge, agreed to stop drinking pumpkin spice lattes when I suggested you should cut back on your caffeine intake, and now this—” She waves a hand at the puzzle. “Not to mention you came to visit at three o’clock on a Friday afternoon, when you’re usually at work.”
“Dawson told me to take the rest of the day off,” I answer vaguely.
“Is everything okay?” She carefully slides the card table to the side and turns to face me. “That’s the first time you’ve mentioned Dawson since you’ve been here and you look like you’re on the verge of tears.” She takes my hand in hers, running her finger along my palm in soothing strokes.
Dawson has come with me to visit Grams several times, and she’s quickly become as smitten with him as I am. It’s no surprise that he’s a big hit with all the ladies at bingo night.
“I’m sort of out of a job, at least until next week. Dawson is leaving the firm to start his own,” I add, noticing the furrow in her brow. “And he’s asked me to go with him.”
Dawson has the power and influence to make it a successful venture, but that doesn’t mean it’s any less daunting to think about. I was just getting settled at Thompson & Tate, and now he wants me to start over at a new firm, when our relationship is still so new.
“It sounds like a great opportunity,” Grams remarks.
“He also asked me to move in with him,” I say.
Her expression brightens and she clasps her hands together. “Oh, that’s wonderful, sweetheart. Why aren’t we celebrating?”
I should have figured this would be her reaction. “Grams, he asked me tomove inwith him,” I say, placing my hand on her arm. “As in, live together under the same roof for an undetermined amount of time. We haven’t really known each other very long.”
“So what?” She shrugs. “There are no rules to suggest a definitive timeline when you’ve found the right person. Your grandfather and I took it one step further and got married a month after we met. That turned out to be the best decision we ever made,” she says with a fond smile.
My eyebrows shoot up in surprise. “How come you never told me?”
Growing up they shared countless stories about their life as a married couple, but now that I think about it, they seldom talked about their time together before they tied the knot. At least now I know why.
“Because it was irrelevant. What mattered most were the forty years of memories we created together.” Grams pauses, her gaze shifting to a wedding photo of her and Grandpa framed on the bureau. “Is there a reason Dawson wants you to move in so soon? For your grandfather, it was because he didn’t want to spend a single night apart.”
I look away, releasing a slow, deep breath. “Dawson came to the house a few weeks ago, and when he saw its condition, he insisted that I stay with him. It’s been absolutely wonderful, but I’m worried that we’re moving too fast.”
Grams furrows her brows. “What’s the condition of the house?” she urges when I don’t immediately offer additional details.
Overcome with shame, my lips tremble. I had hoped to have a solution in place before admitting to Grams the severity of the situation with the house, but it looks like my time is up.
“I haven’t been able to keep the house maintained,” I admit, my face burning with embarrassment. “The furnace isn’t working, the floors in your room are rotting, there’s a minor mold problem in the spare bedroom… and that’s just the tip of the iceberg. I can’t afford to fix it all, not with all the other expenses coming in.” I avert my gaze, afraid of seeing her reaction.
Grams let out a small gasp, clutching my hand tighter. “Oh, Reese. Why didn’t you tell me?” she asks, her tone despondent.
“I’m sorry, Grams,” I murmur. “I was afraid of letting you down. You trusted me to take care of the house, and I failed.” I stare down at the floor, struggling to keep the tears at bay.
She places her hand on my cheek, encouraging me to look at her. “Oh, sweet girl. It breaks my heart that you’ve been dealing with this alone.” Grams speaks softly, tears glistening in her own eyes. It seems we’re both struggling to keep our emotions at bay. “It’s my fault for not telling you to sell it sooner.”
I chew on my lower lip as I consider what she’s suggesting. “But it means so much to you. How can you even think about giving it up?”
It was her home for over forty years, the place where she spent the most time with both my mom and grandpa.
“All the memories I cherish most are right here.” Grams taps her temple, a warm smile spreading across her face. “Your happiness means more than the house ever did. In the past, we’ve had several developers interested in the property and I’m sure they’re still interested. Selling it should leave you with a substantial profit.”
“The money isn’t important.” I press my lips together. “You really think I should sell?” I finally ask.
“I want you to do what will make you happy,” she corrects me. “It’s time to turn the page, Reese. You’ve got a promisingfuture ahead and that should be your focus.” Her eyes shine with warmth.
My mind spins as Grams words sink in. I never entertained the idea of giving up the house since it didn’t seem like an option before. Truth be told, I let my fear of failing her cloud my judgment and never asked her directly. Instead, keeping my focus on finding ways to afford to maintain the house since I assumed she wanted me to keep it. Now that I’m faced with the possibility of letting go and starting a new chapter, I’m left with a sense of uncertainty.