Her eyes widen and she takes a step back. “Hold on. Dawson, we’ve just started seeing each other. I’m not moving in with you.”

“Why not?” I ask, making an effort to maintain a calm demeanor. “You’ve stayed at my place every night since we got back from Aspen Grove. What’s the difference?”

Despite her initial protest, I’ve come up with every excuse to keep her from spending the night at her place, and it’s workedso far. I refuse to let her live in a freezing cold house that’s crumbling around her when she can stay with me at my place with heated floors and reliable hot water. Having her stay with me means she’s safe, comfortable, and right where she belongs—in my arms.

Reese sighs, rubbing her temples. “Since the day I started working at Thompson & Tate, you’ve called the shots. First you reassigned me to work with you, encouraged me to quit working at Echo, and now I find out you’ve quit the firm and decided that I’m coming with you. You should have talked to me about it first.” She folds her arms across her chest, locking eyes with me. “I’m grateful for everything you’ve done, but I can’t be in a relationship where all the decisions are made for me. I need someone who will consult with me and ask for my input before making major choices that impact me. Otherwise, we’re setting ourselves up for failure.”

My initial confidence gives way to guilt as I come to understand that my well-meaning actions may have caused Reese more harm than good.

For so long, I’ve faced challenges head on making choices based on my own judgment. But I failed to adapt and include Reese in choices that affect us both.

I swallow hard. “Damn, you’re right. I’ve been so focused on what I thought was best that I inadvertently kept you out of the decision-making process. There’s no excuse for that and I’m so sorry, Reese.” My voice is low, weighed down by guilt. “You mean everything tome, and there’s nothing more I want than for us to be together. I love waking up next to you every morning, and falling asleep with you in my arms. So much that I wanted to do whatever it took to make sure a future together was possible without disrupting your plans to go to law school.”

“I’m enjoying our time together too, Dawson, I’m just not sure if moving in together right now is—” A knock on the door interrupts her mid-sentence.

“I’ll get rid of whoever it is,” I say, but before I can move Reese is already halfway to the door. “Where are you going?”

“I’m assuming Maxwell wants us out of the building by the end of the day so I better go pack my desk,” she says with a tentative smile.

As much as I’d like to drop everything and finish our conversation, she’s right. I might have gotten my way, but that won’t stop Maxwell from sending security if I’m not out of here by tonight.

“Why don’t you take the rest of the day off?” I suggest. “And we can talk more later tonight?”

“Don’t you need help here?” Reese asks.

I shake my head. “I’ve got it covered,” I assure her.

As much as I want her here with me, she deserves the chance to process everything. Asking her to move in felt right in the moment, but I didn’t consider how overwhelming it might be for her. All I can hope is that once we talk things through, she can forgive me for my shortcomings because nothing else matters if I lose her in the end.

“Okay,” Reese says hesitantly. “Only if you’re sure.”


I give her hand a squeeze on her way out, and it takes every ounce of willpower to stand by when she opens the door to reveal Jeremey standing on the other side with his hand raised, ready to knock again.

Reese slips past him into the hallway, disappearing from view.

“What is it?” I snap.

His face visibly pales as he hands over a report for the Irving project. “You asked me to bring this to you as soon as possible, sir.”

“Thanks,” I say, taking the report from his hand. “Why don’t you step into my office. There’s something I want to talk to you about.”

There’s nothing I’d like to do more than finish my conversation with Reese. But for now, I’ve got a long list of employees and clients I need to speak with, and an office to pack before Maxwell tries to have security kick me out.

I glance at my watch, noting that I only have a few hours until I’m supposed to be at the tattoo shop. With everything going on, I should cancel my appointments, but I could use the distraction, especially if I don’t hear back from Reese by then.

After my conversation with Dawson was cut short, I packed up my things. Luckily, it was during lunchtime so no one was around to ask questions. He mentioned he was bringing some of the staff with him to his new firm, but I assume he has to get an office set up first.

My mind is spinning, trying to make sense of the sudden changes in my life—I’m no longer employed at Thompson & Tate, and Dawson just asked me to move in with him. It’s a lot to process.

I appreciate his suggestion to take the rest of the day off. He could sense that I was overwhelmed and needed time to sort through it all.

The only problem? I realized as I gathered up all my personal items, I wasn’t sure where to go. I haven’t agreed to move in with Dawson, but also wasn’t ready to go back to my place just yet.

So, I went to visit the one person who could cheer me up.

“Sweetheart, you’ve been holding the same puzzle piece for the last ten minutes.” Grams nods at the blue-and-gold tile in my hand.