Noah raises an eyebrow with a playful grin. “You’re one to talk. There isn’t a non-fraternization policy at the club, so I figured why not.” He shrugs. “The worst thing he could have said was no.” He flashes a grin over his cup. “Apparently, he’s been into me for a while now but wasn’t sure if you and I were dating so he never made a move.”

“Sorry I inadvertently cock-blocked you,” I tease.

“Don’t worry about it,” he says as he tosses a blueberry into his mouth. “Now are you going to tell me what’s going on with you and Dawson? That man clearly has it bad for you. I’ve never seen someone so territorial over a woman before.”

My cheeks grow hot under his scrutiny. “He surprised me with a trip to Aspen Grove.”

“Are you serious? I’ve heard that place is gorgeous.”

“It really is,” I agree.

I take a bite of the eggs, savoring the butter flavor melting on my tongue. When I glance up Noah is staring at me.

“You can’t tell me you went out of town with the guy and then leave me hanging. Why aren’t you driving off into the sunset?”

I playfully toss my napkin at him. “You watch too many Hallmark movies. In case you’ve forgotten, Dawson is my boss, which complicates things since wedohave a non-fraternization policy. Not to mention he’s twelve years older than me. I’m finding it hard to believe he’d want to tie himself to someone whose financials are a mess.” I sigh and push my fruit around on my plate. “Seriously, Noah, I’m looking at three years of law school and am still planning on choosing the career path that pays far less than what I’d make at a corporate firm.”

“It’s convenient that the man is a billionaire then, isn’t it.” He smirks. “I’m sure he’ll be happy to take care of you.”

I burst out laughing. “It’s probably not true.”

“I’m serious. Rumor is he took a gamble on some high-risk stocks that paid off, and combined with his firm’s success, he’s sitting on a goldmine.” Noah lets out a low whistle.

My laughter fades, giving away to a furrowed brow when I recall the articles I found online when I was looking up Dawson online that suggested otherwise. I figured Dawson was rich since he’s the managing partner of a prominent law firm, but I didn’t think he wasthatrich. Not that the money is important to me regardless.

I remember a conversation where he mentioned Harrison being a billionaire and emphasized the importance of not judging a book by its cover. Could he have been referring to himself?

In reality, he’s the most generous person I know. He only does pro bono work at Steel & Ink, makes sure his employees are well taken care of, looks out for Christian and his mom, and is constantly looking for ways to make my life easier.

Noah reaches out to place his hand over mine, pulling my focus back to him. “Sometimes the best things in life aren’t planned, and the greatest risk is not daring to take a chance. If you’re not willing to take a leap of faith you’ll never know what you could be missing out on.”

“Since when did you become a philosopher?” I tease.

“I’m feeling rather inspired today,” he says with a twinkle in his eye.

As we go back to eating our breakfast, I think about what he said. Falling for Dawson wasn’t part of the plan, and until he came along, I had sworn off men. But now it occurs to me that by embracing the unexpected, I’ve found someone who makes me feel at home again.

The past week with Reese has been amazing. Every morning, I wake up with her in my arms and I watch her eyes light up when she checks the closet to find what new outfit I’ve had delivered. Nothing brings me more satisfaction than seeing her smile, and it makes me want to find a new way to make sure it never fades.

It’s been a long day at the office and I’m counting down the hours until Reese and I can go home.

Our home.

We haven’t talked about her staying long-term, but I love the idea of making it permanent.

Before I start reviewing the contract waiting for me on my desk, I take out my phone and shoot Harrison a text. When I asked for his help in setting up a date with Reese in Aspen Grove, I hadn’t expected him to go all out. Guess when you ask the Staffords for a favor, they take it seriously.

Dawson:Thanks again for your help. Reese loved visiting Aspen Grove.

Harrison:No problem. That’s what friends are for.

I’m about to remind him that I only asked because he owed me a favor and that we’re not friends, but I hesitate. Would it really be so bad to have another person willing to help me outin a bind, no questions asked? Even without the favor, I get the feeling Harrison would have helped—albeit reluctantly.

Dawson:You ever going to tell me what happened with Fallon at the club?

Harrison:I have to go. I’m heading into a board meeting.

Dawson:I’ll take that as a no.