Now that I’m no longer working at Echo, I have more free time to study at night and on the weekends, which means I can afford to take an actual lunch break every now and then. Grace and I went to a pizza place down the street yesterday. It was nice to take a break from the office and catch up in person since most of our interactions have been through the team chat system.
Grace:Took your advice and tried a pumpkin latte this morning.
Reese:What did you think?
Grace:So good!
Reese:I know right! They’re my favorite.
Grace:I’m totally hooked.
Grace:Heads up. I saw Rob earlier and he’s in one of his moods.
Reese:Thanks for letting me know.
Grace:Running late for a meeting. Talk soon.
Reese:Have a great rest of your day!
Grace:You too!
I only have thirty minutes before I have to go back to my desk, so I shut my laptop and return to studying.
Soon after, I hear the door open and glance up from my LSAT book. “I thought you had a lunch meeting with—” I stop speaking when I see Rob standing in the doorway, his expression as cold as ice.
“Rob?” His name comes out as a question. “What are you doing?”
Dawson’s conference room is off-limits to the rest of the staff and only available if he schedules a meeting with them.
“A better question is, what areyoudoing here?” Rob snaps. “It’s past one o’clock and you’re supposed to be filing paperwork for the Nelson project.” His booming voice fills the room, causing me to tremble. “What the hell is all this anyway?” He storms toward me, yanking my book out of my hand. “You’re studying on company time? Give me one good reason I shouldn’t fire you and have security see you out.”
I stand up to face him, and raise my chin defiantly, my eyes shining with determination. “Dawson gave me permission to study in here. If you have concernsyou can take it up with him.”
“Dawson, is it?” He scoffs. “Getting a little cozy with the boss, aren’t we?” He lowers his voice. “I’m sure you’re aware of ournon-fraternization policy. I’d hate to think what might happen if HR got wind of a rumor that you two are an item.”
I maintain a neutral expression, not giving him any leverage. “Rob, you need to go.” I point to the hallway. “I’ll let you know when I’ve finished filing the paperwork.”
As I reach for my things, I’m startled when Rob steps in front of me, placing himself between me and the table.
He shoves a pudgy finger in my face. “I’m sick and tired of you thinking you can do whatever you want. You’re just a paralegal and it’s your job to assistme.”
I ball my hands into fists, refusing to back down. One thing I’ve learned over the past couple of months is how to be bolder, and to stand my ground when my boundaries are tested. I’m done letting Rob treat me with disrespect, and refuse to cower to his intimidation tactics any longer.
“I’m notjusta paralegal; I’m a professional. Maybe if you treated me with respect, I’d be more inclined to prioritize your projects.”
His jaw visibly tightens. “Why you little—”
“Rob, what the hell are you doing here?” Dawson’s voice startles me, and I glance over to where he’s standing in the doorway, his gaze narrowing in on Rob. “Step back,” he growls. “You’ve crossed a line.”
If we weren’t in the office with people milling around in the hallway, I doubt Dawson would be this calm.
“I was reminding Reese of her place,” Rob sneers. “She seems to have forgotten that she doesn’t get special privileges, like an extended lunch break.”
Dawson strides toward Rob, who shrinks back until he hits the wall with nowhere else to go. He gulps loudly as Dawson crowds his space. “Let’s get something straight. I’ve had enough of your antics.” Dawson’s voice is low and menacing. “The only reason you’re working here is because of your uncle. Your trackrecord as a lawyer is unimpressive and I’ve had enough,” he states curtly. “You’ve lost the privilege of having a paralegal report directly to you.”
“What? You can’t do that.” Rob sputters. “I’m entitled to my own team.”
My gaze darts between them. Dawson’s fists are clenched at his sides, his posture rigid, and the vein in his neck pulses. Rob tries to mask his unease, but the sweat on his brow is a clear giveaway that he’s scared shitless.