“Dig in,” I encourage.

As we eat, we enjoy the breathtaking view. The midday sun casts a golden light over the tranquil lake. In the reflection off the water’s surface you can see the surrounding trees’ autumn colors come to life. A gentle breeze sends a few crisp leaves fluttering down to the ground around us. It’s a serene setting, one that I’m glad Reese is enjoying.

She’s lying on her side, propped up on one elbow—her plate of food on the blanket beside her.

“When are you and Noah planning to take the LSAT?” I’m seated next to her, my back resting against a cushion and my legs stretched out in front of me.

“The second week of January,” Reese says with a twinkle in her eye. “Having a block of uninterrupted time to study during the week has been a tremendous help. I can’t thank you enough.”

I reach over to graze my knuckles across her cheek. “I’ll do whatever it takes to help you achieve your dream.”

She gives me a grateful smile, popping a piece of cheddar cheese wrapped in prosciutto into her mouth.

“Do you have any law schools in mind you want to apply to?

For the most part, we’ve avoided talking about the future. No commitments or promises have been made past our time spent together this weekend.

I’ve deliberately avoided thinking about what would happen if she moved away for law school. It’s a real possibility, but that doesn’t mean I have to like it. Regardless of how things turn out with Reese, losing her—even if it’s down the line—would leave an irreplaceable void.

Reese covers her mouth with her hand while she finishes chewing, then says, “I’d like to stay in New York if possible. It’s hard enough only seeing Grams once a week. I don’t think either of us could handle living in different states. She might be healthy now, but that could change anytime.” She pauses to dab her lips with a napkin. “My grandpa’s passing was unexpected and extremely hard on Grams and me.”

“What happened?”

She pushes her plate aside and sits up, drawing her legs to her chest. “It was the middle of January. He was in the front yard knocking snow off a tree and had a heart attack. Grams was picking me up from school, and when we got back to the house, an ambulance was leaving with grandpa inside. He died on the way to the hospital.” She looks out toward the lake, a flicker of anguish crossing her face. “I miss him so much. Every morning he used to make us breakfast because he said it was the most important meal of the day, and once a week, he brought home flowers for Grams and me to show how much he loved us.”

A sharp pain shoots through my chest. “Damn, Reese, I’m sorry you had to go through that.” I wrap my arm around hershoulders and press a kiss to her forehead. “He sounds like a wonderful man.”

“He was the best,” she whispers, leaning against my chest.

I can’t begin to grasp the extent of her grief, especially since she was only a teenager when she lost him. One silver lining of being in foster care is that I haven’t had to cope with that kind of loss. I never met my biological grandparents or extended family and was therefore spared the pain of losing them. While I haven’t experienced this particular brand of suffering, I want to be the person supporting Reese through her worst days.

She lifts her head and smooths out her hair. “Enough about me. What was it like when you first moved in with Martha and Colby?” She stops briefly to study my face. “As long as you’re comfortable sharing.” she adds cautiously.

I pull my arm away from her shoulders and settle back into my cushion. Reese places her hand on my thigh, patiently waiting for me to speak.

“I was a pain in the ass from the start and refused to come out of my room for the first few weeks. However, Martha was stubborn. She sat outside my closed door for an hour every day and would tell me stories about her childhood, how she met Colby and her love of interior design.” I smile fondly at the memory. “I’ve never told her this, but in those early days, I would sit on the other side of the door and listen while I drew in my sketchbook. Her voice was comforting, and her showing up every day meant more than she’ll ever know.”

After spending my childhood being passed over for younger kids, it was an adjustment having someone show up for me consistently despite my reluctance.

“I’m lucky Martha and Colby never gave up on me. Everything I’ve accomplished would never have been possible without them,” I say. “They live in Connecticut now, but we talkon the phone at least once a week. In fact, I’ve told them about you.” I add, watching her reaction closely.

“You have?” Reese’s voice rises a pitch. “What did you tell them?”

“Oh, just that we made out the night we met, and got a little frisky in my conference room the other day.”

“Please tell me you’re kidding.” She hides her face behind her hands, hoping to mask the color rising in her cheeks.

“Yes, Red, I’m only joking, I promise.” My admission gets me a playful swat on the chest, and she narrows her eyes at me with mock irritation.

“What did you really tell them?” she asks.

“I said that you’re studying for the LSAT and want to pursue a career in child advocacy. They’re not going to let up until they meet you.”

“I’d like that.” Reese smiles.

Before her, there was never anyone I’d considered introducing to Martha and Colby, but there are a lot of firsts I’ve found that I’d like to share with her if given the chance.

I wonder what it would be like to have a family with Reese.