It’s clear that Reese is the most important person in Georgia’s life, and I like that she doesn’t sugarcoat her reservations in order to protect her granddaughter.

“There’s no question Reese is too good for me” I openly admit. “But if I was lucky enough to call her mine someday, I’d make sure she was safe, happy and cherished”

Georgia gives me a skeptical look, like she’s weighing whether to believe me or not. “If my husband were still here, he’d make sure you understood the repercussions of hurting Reese. As it stands, you’ll have to deal with me,” she states, her tone firm. “I may be an old lady, but don’t underestimate me.” Just when I think she’s going to tell me to get lost she crooks her finger for me to come closer. “But if I were to offer a word of advice, I might recommend flowers. Reese is a romantic at heart and appreciates thoughtful gestures. Her grandfather used to bring us flowers every Friday and it was one of her favorite things.”

Sending flowers to Reese’s desk was a stroke of luck. Now that I know she likes mindful gestures, I’ll have to find more ways to show her that I care.

Before I can respond to Georgia, Reese comes back into the living room, triumphantly holding up a canvas bag.

“I got the dabbers,” she exclaims. “Ready to go?”

“The what?” If it wasn’t already obvious that I’ve never played bingo before, it sure as hell is now.

“You’ll see,” Georgia says with a mischievous twinkle in her eye. “You’re in for a fun evening.”

Reese is sexy as hell with a neon orange dabber gripped tightly in her hand, a look of concentration on her face whenever the host hollers out a new number. Her eyes light up with excitement every time she’s able to block out another square.

Georgia and Reese are serious about this game. Our table is lined with rows of dabbers they brought from Georgia’s room.Each one has a unique pattern or image, from polka dots to cartoon faces, and some even have disco ball caps.

“BINGO,” Reese shouts at the top of her lungs, waving her card in the air. She turns to Georgia with a grin. “I won again.”

It’s refreshing to see her so carefree. Georgia is her entire world and I’m grateful she allowed me a peek into this side of her life.

Georgia tilts her head with a subtle smirk. “You won’t be so lucky during the next round, sweetheart,” she teases. Several other residents cheer Reese on as she jogs up to the front of the room so the game host can examine her card.

“Is she always this competitive?”

“Absolutely. She got it from her grandfather. He made everything into a game when she was growing up.” Georgia pushes aside her bingo card and takes a new one from the center of the table. “He passed away six years ago.”

I place my hand over hers. “I’m sorry for your loss.”

She pats my hand, giving me a soft smile. “I appreciate it. We were together for forty years, and it was an adjustment moving on without him.” Her smile wavers. “During Reese’s first semester of college, I slipped and fell, and she was ready to quit school to take care of me full time. I wasn’t going to let that happen, so when a friend mentioned how great this facility was, I jumped at the chance to move here.”

“I’m sure it was difficult for you to leave your house.”

Georgia scoffs. “George did a wonderful job maintaining it while he was alive, but that place has always been a fixer-upper. I wish Reese would consider selling it. The property is worth more than the house, and she could put the money toward her education.” She leans in closer and speaks in a whisper. “I’m not naive. She may not have told me, but it’s obvious she’s stretching herself thin. She’s wanted to be a lawyer since she was a child, and I worry she might miss her chance.”

I give Georgia’s hand a gentle squeeze. “Mark my words, Reese will become a lawyer as long as that’s what she wants.”

I mean it. Even if she decides she no longer wants anything to do with me, I’ll make sure has the resources to achieve her goals. After everything she’s been through, she deserves to chase her dreams.

Georgia pats my cheek. “You’re a good man, Dawson.”

“Don’t go around telling anyone, I have a reputation to uphold,” I say with a playful grin.

Before she can respond, Reese comes back to our table with a soft blush-colored blanket. “Look what I won—” She holds it up triumphantly. “This is for you, Grams. I know you’ve been getting cold at night, so you can put this over your feet.” She hands the blanket to Georgia. “It’s not the cashmere one you’ve been wanting, but I hope it’ll do for now.”

“It’s perfect, sweetheart. Thanks for thinking of me.” Georgia presses a kiss to Reese’s cheek.

Their interaction displays the genuine love they have for each other. Reese is attentive to even the smallest details and Georgia’s love for her granddaughter goes beyond the norm.

It’s clear that Reese has put aside her own needs to make sure her grandma is well taken care of and to keep the house where her grandparents lived their whole marriage. It makes me want to do whatever I can to lighten her load.

She’d never let me remodel her house, but there must be other ways I can help to make her life easier. As I glance around the room filled with Oak Ridge residents an idea begins to take shape. The more I think about it, the better it sounds. However, if I move forward, there are logistics that will need to be ironed out. In the meantime, I want to do something just for Reese this weekend. A chance to get away for a day without any responsibilities or interruptions, giving her a well-deserved break.

The bingo host instructs everyone to clear their boards so a new game can begin. Reese and Georgia get their dabbers ready, and I take it as my chance to make an important call.

“I’ll be right back,” I whisper to Reese.